Chapter 10: COD

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With that thought I fell asleep in his arms, I don't know why, but I can trust him.

~Time Skip~

When I woke up I was tucked in his bed, however, he was nowhere to be seen. I climb out of bed and open the other door, hoping it leads to the bathroom. After rummaging through the bathroom cupboards I am able to find a new toothbrush in the package, a hair brush and a face washer just to freshen up. Once I had completed the horrible night routine, since I was asleep for eight hours according to the alarm clock. I set foot back in the bedroom. 'Surely he would have to have a hoodie or jumper in his cupboard.' But I immediately regret opening the cupboard since there is a male corpse, looking to be in his mid 20's, staring at me.

"AHHHHHH!!!" I scream and my protector slams open the door and runs to me. "What's wrong?! Are you hurt?!" He delicately places his fingers over my arms looking for any marks. I glare at him and he looks behind him. "Ooohhhh... You found my paint..." With that said I punch him in the gut and storm out of the room, by the time I reach the top of the steps I can still hear him groaning. 'Maybe I punched him too hard? Nah'

Upon entering the dining room everyone's heads snap in my directing. "Don't Talk to me! I'm in a sour mood, thanks to numb nuts!" I flop down in my seat and bang my head numerous times on the table. "Are you o-!" I cut off elf boy with a death glare. I hate jump scares, they are worse then finding out your bird died... A week after it actually died. Yes, that has happened. My bird use to sleep a lot, I just thought he going for a new record. Apparently not.

After I glared at elf boy, no one dared saying anything, even Slender and Sally didn't talk. I think they figured out that I'm not a person to be messed with after I wake up. Dinner was hamburgers, I had 8 while everyone else had 1-2 each. I had missed out on lunch so I was starving, but they ran out of hamburger patties before I was even close  to being full. "You gotta be kidding me..." I grumble and stand up. After grabbing my plate I head to the kitchen, since you can see it from the dining room, and rummage through their pantry and fridge.

By the time I'm done in the kitchen looks like a tornado flew through it. I still don't know how I got jam splatters on the roof. I had made my self 4 jam sandwiches, 3 vegemite sandwiches, 3 cups of burnt 2 minute noodle, 7 honey crumpets and 2 chicken and salad wraps. Trying to carry it all to the table was the hardest, but stupid numb nuts helped me. I ate a few sandwiches and I was in a better mood, so I started talking to elf boy. I found out his names BEN Drowned and he can climb through devices, which is pretty wicked.

BEN also introduced me to everyone. There's Slenderman which I already knew, Ticci Toby the guy I called goggles, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Smile Dog, Hoodie, Masky, Sonic.exe, Jason the Toy Maker, Clockwork, Puppeteer, Jane Everlasting and etc. I didn't even know they had a dog until he jumped up on my lap and licked my face. There was one person in particular that didn't eat with us, that was Bloody Painter, formally know as numb nuts or my protector. When he was helping me carry my food, he was only there 'getting a cup of water' his words not mine.

"You any good at video games?" BEN smirks and stands up. I do the same and take my plate to the kitchen before returning and answering his question. "Well, I am the queen of COD. Did you not see my crown?" I brag and he just raises an eyebrow in disbelief. "Okay, your majesty, I challenge you to a game of COD." He holds out his hand and I shake it quite harshly. "Your on elf boy. Prepare to lose!" With that said everyone crowded around the couch. The boys around BEN and the girls around me. Sally was sitting on my lap since BEN bragged her with 100 bucks, because according to him it will give me a disadvantage. As if.

After 12 games of COD, me winning every time and all the girls congratulating me, I decided to head to bed. "How come you weren't eating with us?" I ask numb nuts as I open the bedroom door. However, he didn't answer me because he was tucked in bed fast asleep with his mask still on. 'Why does he wear a mask? Why do most people in this place wear a mask?' I creep towards his passed out figure and slowly lift up the mask. I am only able to see his bottom lip before he suddenly jolts up and repositions his mask. "Don't!" He shouts at me and I frown folding my arms over my chest. "I bet your ugly any way..." I mumble and he grabs my arm.

He drags me to the mirror in the bathroom and points to my blind eye. "Jeff did this, I can do more." And with that said a tear falls down my cheek. I push him in the chest real hard and he stumbles back, letting go of my arm. "YOU DON'T GET IT DO YOU?! I DON'T CARE IF I DIE!!! I DON'T CARE IF I END UP LIKE HELEN!!! I SHOULD HAVE DIED THAT DAY, NOT HIM!!!" As soon as I said that he tensed up. "SO GET OFF MY BACK!!! STOP TRYING TO PROTECT ME!!! STOP TRYING TO ACT LIKE MY DAD!!! OH WAIT, THAT'S RIGHT MY FATHER AND MOTHER LEFT ME TOO!!! just leave me be, please..." With my lecture I walk leave his bedroom and walk out the front door, into the woods.

'I don't know why but my mind becomes so messed up around him and it doesn't help that Helen is a touchy subject. He has no right to dig his nose in my stuff.'

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