Chapter 8: Breakfast

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'Tomorrow will be just as fun, I hope, considering my situation.'

As night, at least I think night, started to set in and my eyes started to droop. Right now I'm sitting in the chair with my elbows on the table and my head in my hands, trying to stay awake incase of a surprise attack from Jeff. But it is hopeless, even with the pain from the deep cuts, I just can't stay awake. I don't want to have nightmares, I can't sleep or they will consume me, the nightmare of life. The day Helen died the day my parents left, I won't let myself feel that pain again. I need a way out.

I close my eyes and suddenly I lose all control of my body, it just goes limp. I can still feel everything but my eyelids are too heavy. 'I so exhausted... I can't move...' Suddenly my head slips from my hands and hits the table instead, just as my head hits the table I slide off the chair and fall onto the ground with a 'thud'. 'Ow...' While I whimper to myself on the ground, I notice a pair of arms pick me up with ease. The warmth of their body is so comforting and I relax in an instant.

I can feel that the person has started to walk out of the room with me in their arms. That was the last thing I remembered before I gave into sleep.

~Time Skip~

'HELEN I'M SORRY!!! MUM, DAD, I FAILED!!! I'll be gone soon you don't have to put up with me for much longer, you stay, I'll go... I'll take Helen's place, that's what everyone wants, right?' I wake up sobbing, it was the dream, no, nightmare. It should have been me, not Helen, everyone would have preferred it. Only now do I notice my surroundings, I'm in a comfy bed with a swallowing softness. And the room I'm in, looks to be someone else's room.

There is a pile of clothes on the bed, my clothes, but no sword. 'If they don't give me back my flipping sword, I will chew of their limbs. Not Sally's, of course! But little elf boy's, Jeff's and... And I don't know how many people are here...' My thoughts are pushed away when I pull off the Doona. My legs and arms have been bandaged, not just some scrappy slap on job, proper medical bandages.

'I'm getting mixed vibes from these people.' I am literally so confused right now. Why bandage me up when the wanted to cause the cuts in the first place? I hop out of bed and pull off this other dress I've never seen before, someone has changed my clothes while I was passed out. 'Oh they are SO dead!' Once I put on my clothes I walk towards the door and turn the knob slowly, trying not to make any noise at all.

But that is completely ruined. Once I opened the door, standing there was Sally with her teddy...and she was covered in dried blood. So of course I screamed, she caught me by surprise. But as soon as I screamed she hugged me and I stopped. "Hey Sally! How are you?" I smile at her and ignore the blood, since I've seen a lot of blood before, thanks to Jeff. Never thought she would kill someone but, you know, insanity comes in many different shapes and sizes.

"I'm good! Daddy Slendy told me to get you for breakfast! Come on let's go get food!" She takes my hand and runs towards some stairs, I just limp behind her, since the pain has finally started to set in. Once we get to the stares Sally is running and I am trying not to stumble over. But God is never on my side and I start to fall as soon as we reach the top of the stairs. I know what's coming next, so I let go of Sally's hand and I fly forward, tumbling down the stairs. I'm not cruel enough to bring a child tumbling down the stairs with me.

Once I get to the bottom of the never ending stairs, I have at least 23 new bruises. "Ow..." I mumble out as I try to stand up, but fail miserably. So I just sit there rubbing the side of my head and cursing to myself. "Well that's an entrance!" Someone snorts. I look up to notice a long dining room table and everyone sitting in their personal spots. Elf boy is laughing and snorting like a pig, trying not to fall out of his chair, Jeff is staring at his knife and everyone is staring at my wide eyed.

Once I realise the situation I am in, I take a while to process stuff, I jump up from my spot on the floor. I stare at them all with a blank expression, not really knowing what to do in this situation. "Sit down child" Someone's voice is in my head and I automatically look at Slenderman. "Whoa, the myths are real, you exist..." I mumble and sit down in an empty chair, not breaking eye contact with Slender.

Then I realise I'm stuck in the chair next to elf boy. 'Kill me now, this little pig has been smoking too much laughing gas' I chuckle at my joke. I look over at Sally who is sitting next to Slender, who is at the head of the table. She notices my looking at her and smiles, I just smile back.

The food in the centre of the table smells absolutely delicious, I can't possibly eat their food. Oh, who am I kidding? They kidnapped me, they pay. As soon as Slender says 'dig in' I pile up my plate, 12 pieces of bacon, 2 fried eggs, 2 poached eggs, 4 pieces of toast, a croissant, canned baked beans, canned spaghetti and BBQ sauce on top. As well as 8 waffles on a side plate with, maple syrup, sugar, 2 cut up bananas, white chocolate chips and chocolate topping on top. Oh, and a large glass of orange juice.

I'm stuffing my face with food, since it's been, like, almost 2 days since I last ate. As I shove a poached egg and 4 pieces of bacon, on toast, in my mouth I notice everyone's eyes on me, with their jaws touching the floor. Even Jeff and Elf boy looks shocked. I chew slowly and stare at everyone back. "What?" I ask, highly muffled by the amazing food.

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