Chapter 14: Unconcious Movement

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Bloody Painter's POV
"Help me..." She whimpers while looking straight into my eyes, but passes out from the pain straight after. I jump up and Sally sprints off the bed, running off. I try to shake Y/N but she does not respond. 'I know i probably shouldn't do this but...' I slowly lower my face towards hers hoping this will wake her. I gently run my thumb on her cheek before caressing the bluey-black bruise under her eye from the fall.

I ever so gently move closer, puckering my lips and lifting my mask to reveal my lips. I slowly and carefully, lift up her eyelid and blow on her eyeball, still no reaction. (Betcha i got u guys there! Sorry not sorry! 😂)
"Dammit!" I yell and go to shake her again. However, sally returns with slender and he picks me up using his tentacles . He is rubbing his temple and I can see a vain popping out of his forehead. "Honestly child, just let her rest, she wake up soon" After he finished he dropped me on the floor and let his tentacles drag behind him as he mumbles about needing Panadol for his headache.

I sit up and rub my head, Y/N slowly starts to move around in her sleep. I run to her side and grab her hand. "It's okay, I'm here, I always have been and I always will." She rolls onto her stomach and my white t-shirt she is wearing slips off her shoulder, showing the top of red and inflamed skin. I carefully grab a razor blade from my bedside table and slice open the back of her shirt. From her shoulders to half way down her back is covered in a violent red rash, and the skins is unnaturally swollen.

'Somethings not right' My thoughts are interrupted by Y/N's arm snapping back into place and her grunting. If she was conscious then she would be screaming in agony. A few more of her bones snap into place and the skin on her back starts to move as if something is trying to break out. She whines a little bit before moving her hands up, underneath the pillow. Before I can even say or do anything she moves both her arms and pushes her self up. "Stop it! You're gonna hurt yourself!" I shout but she just limps over to the bedroom door. She isn't even awake, her body is moving on its own and by the looks of it, it is not moving naturally.

The top starts to slip of both shoulders, it lands on the floor around her feet, but she keeps walking. "SLENDER?! GET JANE HERE RIGHT NOW!!" I shout and in less than a second I step in front of Y/N and hug her, stopping her chest from being on show. However, now her naked chest is on my chest. 'Don't look! Don't look!' I repeat over and over in my head, making sure I'm looking at the ceiling. Toby and BEN just happen to walk by at the right moment. "Ooohhhh, getting your groove on I see?" Toby wiggles his eyebrows at me and I stare at him as if he's stupid. "Ooohhhh, who's the lucky lady?" BEN asks and spins her around, I go with her, still covering her bare chested form.
"Ooohhhh, it's Y/N!!!" Toby wiggles his fingers at me.

"WAIT, Y/N?!" BEN and Toby shout simultaneously. Jane comes running in and sweeps Y/N out of my arms, covering her chest with a towel before anyone can see anything. "No peeking boys!" She warns and walks away with an unconscious, unaware, and limping Y/N. I turn back around and I am met with two furious glares. "Before you say anything, it's not what it looks like!" I hold up both of my hands, surrendering. "Well, well, well, so u weren't taking advantage of Y/N while she's unconscious?" BEN taps his foot impatiently and glares even harder. Where as, Toby is now staring at the shirt on the floor. He moves around me and picks it up, holding it up from both cut edges.

"Hey b-bro? I don't-t think he wa-s using Y-Y/N, because where the sh-hirt is cut, is
s-straight down the b-back..." Toby points out and I fold my arms. "Told you, now let me go, I need to go check on her." I walk past BEN and he mumbles a sorry. As I walk past Toby he passes me the shirt. I walk back into my room, Y/N is laying on her stomach, breathing heavily. Jane had put another one of my shirts on her and had changed her long pjs to a pair of girls black pj shorts, however the top is drenched in sweat already. "She is now wearing a sports bra underneath, because she was sweating like crazy when I was putting a shirt on her, so now you can change her top without seeing anything." Jane is in my room, leaning against the wall, next to the door. "Thank You Jane..." I mumble and she winks at me before walking away.

I go and sit next to Y/N and gently place my hand on hers. The rash has spread, it is now half way down her arms and halfway down her thighs. 'I need to talk to slender about all this, he knows something...' I start to get up but slender pops up out of nowhere and scare the crap put of me, causing me to jump back, fall on my but and hit the back of my head on my bedside table. "Sorry child," Slender says emotionless, "you must come with me if you want to know the truth." He holds out his hand and I take it.

Suddenly we are in the middle of the bench clearing. Slender is standing up, where as I landed on my face, still not use to the teleporting thing. He starts to walk over to the bench and I slowly follow, taking in my surroundings. All of the trees surrounding the clearing have got cracks in the centre and are bent at a 135 degree angle. "How come I didn't notice this before?..." I ask myself but Slender replies. "Because your love for Y/N is all that matters."

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