Chapter 9: Waffle Eating Contest

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Y/N's 's POV
"What?" I ask, highly muffled by the amazing food.

No answer, just more staring. "Take a picture, it lasts longer!" After managing to muffle that out, I continue stuffing my face. Once I finish the savoury foods, I move onto the waffles. But just before I can even touch them a boy stands up suddenly and shouts at me. "STOP!" I just glare at him, he has huge orange goggles, a mouth mask hanging loosely around his neck, a hoodie on and 2 hatchets hanging from his belt loops. "Give me one good reason why." I challenge him and he gives me a challenging smirk back. "Waffle e-eating contest, you, me, win-ner take-s the last 12 waffles" Oh, he is so on. "You're on goggles!"

Suddenly the whole table stands up except Slender and I move to the chair in front of goggles. Everyone crowds around. "Honestly children, grow up." Suddenly Slender teleports away. We both have 8 waffles each, with the same toppings, to make it even. "You want me to give you a head start, goggles?" I smirk at him and he glares at me.

"Quit the chit Chat, on your marks, get set, go!" Jeff shouts and we start munching. It's very intense everyone is shouting for Toby, who I'm guessing is goggles, to win. I shove a waffle in my mouth and chew, only enough so that it won't choke me, then swallow it before shoving another waffle in my mouth. Toby has eaten 4 waffles and is on his fifth, I've eaten 5 waffle and am on my sixth.

I take a swig of the orange juice and down another waffle. We're both on our last waffle. I scoff it down and he does too. I open my mouth for the audience to see, all my waffles are gone. I lift my hands in the air in victory. Everyone is staring shocked, even Toby, who has half a waffle hanging out his mouth. Seeing as everyone is so shocked I decide to brag a bit. "Cause I am the champion, the champion my friends and I'll keep on fighting till the end!!"

Seeing as I have got so much confidence and a sugar high, I do the worst but best thing. I walk straight up to Jeff's shocked state and punch him in the gut, real hard. "That's for kidnapping me, jerk!" And with that said I walk back up to the room I was in before. I slam open the door in rage, scarring the man on the bed, enough so that he falls on the floor. "Why are you in my room?!" I shout at him and pick up the broom which was outside the door, as a weapon.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, put down the broom. It's okay, I already told you I would never hurt you." The man speaks with his hands up in a surrender pose, still laying n the ground. Eventually he stands up and I notice what he is wearing, he has a mask on so I can't see his face, it has a red painted smile most likely blood considering the murderers here, a blue cloak with a yellow smiley face pin, black dress pants and normal black shoes.

"Why are you in my room then?" I ask dropping the broom, but still a bit suspicious. "It is my room actually, I came to check on you and re-bandage your wounds. I was just taking a nap while waiting, I'm sorry, I'll go." He goes to walk out the door, but I catch him by his arm. "Wait, please, don't go. I don't want to be left alone." I look down at the floor when saying this and I can feel him nod.

I drag him by his arm to the bed and sit down so that he can re apply my bandages. He kneels down in front of me and removes the bandages on my left leg, carefully and slowly. Only now do I get a look at the cleaned, deep wounds. I just watch him in silence, the whole time. He heads over to a cupboard and takes out some bandages, a bottle of liquid and needle and thread. Once he walks back over I notice what the bottle is metho. "Oh hell to the no! You are not putting that stuff on me!" I jump up on the bed and run to the other side, away from that hellish liquid.

"Let me put it on you." He remains calm and I glare at him. "NO!" With that said he charges after me. "Leave me alone! I don't wanna!" We are both running around the room and I am chucking whatever I reach, at him. "It won't hurt that much!" He shouts and dodges a pillow. "Dude! That's metho! That stuff kills!" I chuck another pillow at him, we are both on the bed now. He is at the bottom of the bed, covering his face with his arms and I am at the head board with pillows in my hands.

"You can chooses the easy way, or the hard way right now!" He shouts at me and I glare at him. I lose all rational thinking. Suddenly I lunge at him causing us both to go flying over the end of the bed and landing with a huge 'THUD'. I landed on top of him, thank god, or it would have hurt a lot more. "Ow..." He whines and I laugh. "Thanks for the cushioned landing!" With that said I try to stand up, but he wraps his arms around me tightly. "I asked you hard way or easy way, you chose hard way." With that said he flips us so I'm underneath and he's on top.

He props himself up with his elbows. "If you don't move, I will unleash my powers on you." I smirk and I hear him chuckle. "And what powers do you have exactly?" He tilts his head to the side a bit and chuckles at me. "Knowledge." I state before kneeing him right in the groin. "Oooooooo..." He rolls off of me and holds on to his groin. "I warned you and you just had to ignore it, idiot." I go to stand up but he stops me, and pulls me into his chest. "Please, don't go. Your warm." He comments and wraps his arms around me. I don't know what to do in this situation, so I just lay there.

Truth is I never really hugged anyone, my parents never hugged me, so I just lay there awkwardly. He rests his head on top of mine and by now I have wrapped my arms around him. I don't know what made me do it but I felt warm and comfortable in his arms, only now do I realise he is the one who was worried when I first woke up. He told me he wouldn't hurt me and he was right. The way his arms feel are the same as the one who carried me last night. He is the one who I can rely on, the one I feel comfortable around, the one who cares about me. He will protect me.

With that thought I fell asleep in his arms, I don't know why, but I can trust him.

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