Chapter 13: Help me...

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I drop from two stories high, straight to the ground. Everything goes black with another loud snap.

Slender man's POV
'She's changing, I've been waiting for this day since she arrived. If Jeffery knew about her than he wouldn't have sliced her.' As I watch her scream and transform, I felt proud, proud to know that this child, my child (he treats all creepy pastas as his children), will be beautiful once she has changed. I looked around, all the trees are snapped and caving in, in the centre. I saw everyone staring in shock and fear for Y/N, she is apart of our family even if she doesn't feel that way yet, she will soon see the love we all share. I notice Toby holding on tightly to a kicking and crying Sally, she just wants to help. The fear in her eyes is unbearable,   Y/N means everything to her, Y/N is like her sister and she is afraid of losing her. If only she knew, if only they all knew

I watch as Y/N's limp body falls to the ground, landing with a large thump. She looks like a bag of broken bones, laying there lifeless, Toby loosens his grip on Sally and she sprints over to Y/N. She falls onto her knees, balling her eyes out. She tries to shake Y/N awake, but Y/N remains lifeless. Suddenly I am pushed aside by Bloody Painter.

Bloody Painter's POV
'No... It can't be...' I was running into the forest, following the screams, Y/N's screams. The pain and sorrow behind those screams tears my heart to pieces. I push through the crowed all the creepy pastas are there, watching in fear and worry. I push through knocking over anyone in my way. 'I need to know if she's okay' I run up to her side and fall to my knees, beside Sally. No matter how many times Sally shakes her she remains still, so I roll her onto her back.

Her bones and body looks mangled, one of the bones crack as her arm falls to her side. Sally just sobs quietly while I place my ear in front of her mouth, listening to her shallow breaths, but something is off. I check her pulse, nothing, I listen to her heart, nothing. She's alive but dead at the same time. 'What's going on?'

I carefully lift her up bridal style, many bones crack and pop as she slumps against my chest. 'None of her bones are in place, or in one piece. Its not normal, she should be dead! But she's alive...' As I think to myself I start to walk slowly back to the mansion, passing everyone who stared wide eyed at me. Sally, obviously, didn't want to leave Y/N so she was holding her hand that hung limply off her body.

"Will she be okay painter?" Sally whispers as a tear slips down her stained cheeks. I keep looking forward because if I look at Sally I'll cry too. "I don't know Sally, I don't know..." I whisper back.

~Time Skip~

Sally ended up getting tired on the walk back so she is now passed out, on my back, since I am giving her a piggy back. Y/N's heart is still not beating but her shallow breaths prove she is still alive. 'Please stay alive. Please stay alive.' That one sentence repeats over and over in my head until we finally reached the mansion. I walk straight up to my room and place Y/N gently down on the bed, still hearing her bones pop and crack at the small movement. After I gently and carefully try not to wake up Sally as I place her beside Y/N, she instantly cuddles up to Y/N embracing her warmth.

I yawn and look at the alarm clock on my bed side table. 4:00am. Sally was supposed to be asleep at least 7:30pm. 'She's gonna be a tired girl tomorrow, I'll make sure she sleeps in.' I softly lay down on the bed next to Sally so that she is in the centre, making sure not to hurt Y/N, I take her hand and interlace my fingers with hers. She is on her side facing me, I am on my side facing her and Sally is snuggled up to Y/N, facing her chest. Our hands inclose Sally in the middle. Although Y/N is unconscious because of the pain and fall, she still looks beautiful.

"I wish i could fall asleep to this masterpiece everynight..." That was my last words spoken before allowing sleep to take over.

~Time Skip~

My eyelids flutter open, I am staring at, a still unconscious, Y/N. Her breathing sounds better than yesterday. Sally is still snuggled up to Y/N and our fingers are still interlaced. Nothing changed. Except for the whole fact that practically whole mansion is asleep on MY bedroom floor. I look at each and everyone of them, Y/N barely even knows 1/3 of them but they still cared enough to cover my floor in blankets and pillows, just so that they can look after Y/N.

One after another they all start to wake up. I give them the 'be quiet or else your dead, look then point to Sally's sleeping form. They nod and silently clean up the room. I just silently lay there, stroking Sally's hair with my free hand while I stare at Y/N, waiting, waiting for her to wake up. But considering her state she won't be waking up for a while. Her bones still look the same as yesterday, except the bones that were broken in her index finger have healed. I run my thumb over her hand, gently, checking how many bones have healed, not many thats for sure. Around 3 bones in her finger are healed, it looks as though every bone in her body is broken.

Sally lets out a little yawn and turns around hugging me. "Morning painter..." She whispers groggily. "Good morning Sally." I whisper back and look at her before turning my gaze back to Y/N. "Any changes?" Sally whispers and hugs me tightly, looking for strength and hope. "I'm not to sure... 3 bones in her finger have healed though... But it looks like she will be like this for a while, I'm sorry Sal..." I whisper and lift my mask up a little bit, kissing her on the head, and pulling it back down.

Y/N's eyelids twitch a tiny bit before they shoot open, she screams in pain as tears pour down her face. "Help me..." She whimpers while looking straight into my eyes, but passes out from the pain straight after.

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