Chapter 7: Sally

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Hey guys! I'm really sorry about the late update! I had a lot of homework and drama going on right now... I know that's not an excuse but it's the truth. I ended up getting sick from one of my friends and i have only just become sick free!!! Honestly, the common cold feels like your about to die from a Snotnami... I'm sorry, too much information 😂 anyway please enjoy the story!!!


Jeff's POV
Truth is I only did as I was told, Slendy's orders.

What to do now? I mean I can't exactly walk out the door since I'm flipping struck to a wall. Right now I am staring at my feet, trying to think of a plan, and then it hits me. Not literally of course, but the perfect plan pops into my head. I close my eyes and remain lifeless, hoping that someone will notice my lifeless state.

The sudden giggle outside the door scared me but I didn't move. The door opened and there was another giggle, it sounded like the giggle of a little girl. I feel a presence in front of me, unmoving I wait. What surprised me the most was the little tap on my foot, my eyes jolted open. In front of me stood a little girl in a pink dress, "Excuse me miss? Will you play with me?" I look at her in shock, does she not see the state you're in? Is she another victim? I look at her from head to toe, looking for any injuries. "Umm...w-who are you?" I stare into the little girls eyes as the sparkle with happiness. "I'm Sally! What's your name?" She smiles and looks down at the dolls and teddy bears she's holding. "My name's Y/N, but you can call me N/N... And Sally?" I smile at her when she looks back at me. "I would love to play with you" Her eyes sparkle even more and her smile widens. "Yay! Which teddy would you like to use?" She cheers and puts the toys on the table to my right. "I would like to use the purple teddy please..." She picks up the purple teddy bear and walks over to me, "Hey Sally? Would you mind asking the people who put me here, if I can hop off the wall now? So I can play with you?" She nods and runs out of the room after putting the teddy on the floor.

After about 5 minutes Sally walks back in with a elf boy following her. "I went and got someone!" Sally chirped. "And who might you be?" I ask the elf as he stares me up and down. "Hey, I'm BEN drowned but after this view you can just call me BEN." He licks his lips and unlocks the metal chaining me to the wall. "Umm... Yeah...thanks's nice to meet you" I walk over to him and hold out my hand for him to shake, he gracefully accepts it.

I turn back around to Sally. "I'm sorry I couldn't shake your hand before" I hold out my hand for Sally to shake and she shakes it, giggling to herself. BEN whistles and walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. My wrists are still sore from the metal and now I can finally see how bad my cuts are, one word, bad. Sally looks at me worried, "N/N would you like a dress to wear?" I nod and she walks out of the room, again. I take a seat at the table and look closer at my cuts. Some of the cuts are hours old and dried out, others are still oozing blood and look to be brand new.

Sally returns with a folded dress in her hands, she runs back over to me and shoves it into my hands. I get down onto both knees so that I am Sally's height, I give her a huge hug, "Thank You so much Sally!" She giggles in return. I slip on the dress and it was the right size (cliché, I know!) The black dress is mid-thigh length with lace shoulders. It was pretty but simple, something I would wear around my home for fun or for a quick run up the shops. It was just my style and I looked great in it. I turned back around to Sally, she had a sad look on her face. "Sally, are you okay? What's wrong?" I speak my mind and she looks at me.

"You are my favourite person they kidnapped, N/N, you are so much nicer than the other victims and you aren't scared of me. Most people won't play with me..." I look at her confused. "What do you mean?" She looks down, "Will you promise to stay with me forever?" This shocks me and I think about everyone I love. But no one pops into my head, except Helen. Would anyone miss me if I left? Would anybody even care if I abandoned my old life? It would make Sally happy and I haven't got anyone else anyway. My mind buzzes with millions of questions and thoughts of abandoning your old life and starting fresh. There was just one problem...Jeff.

Maybe I could use it to my advantage, kill Jeff when he least expects it. Then there was the thought of Helen, would he hate me from above if I saw his murderer everyday? My heart breaks into a million pieces. I eventually zone back in to see Sally staring at me, waiting for my answer. And before I knew it her question was answered, "I promise"

Sally and I spent the whole day, at least I think it was day time, playing with her dolls and teddys. But eventually BEN came in and told her dinner was ready. When he told me that we both 'awww'ed and gave each other a hug. "I'll come back and play with you tomorrow!" Sally shouts from the doorway and I smile. "I can't wait" we both giggled and she shut the door. I went and sat at the table, letting my thoughts wonder. Ive always had a strong connection with children and that's why I had so much fun with Sally. It has been almost forever since I had actual, true fun, the last day I had fun was with Helen. Children always found a way to make me smile and I got along really well with Sally. 'Tomorrow will be just as fun, I hope, considering my situation.'

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