Chapter 11: Poor Toby

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Hi guys! Sorry about the late update, I had to work quite a lot last week and I will be updating whenever I'm not working! Sorry again and THANK YOU FOR THE 1K READS!! I'm glad that you lovely people enjoy this book, I've had quite a lot of comments asking me to update, and I promise I will update whenever I can! Thank you and sorry again!

'I don't know why but my mind becomes so messed up around him and it doesn't help that Helen is a touchy subject. He has no right to dig his nose in my stuff.'

After I walked out, I took the stairs down to the living room. While mumbling and grumbling to myself I plonk down on the couch. The tears are stained to my cheeks, hardly noticible...not. "Y/N? Why are you crying?" BEN walks over and sits down on the couch next to me. "Leave me alone BEN" I grumble and stand up. "Don't be like that! I'm trying to help! And I rarely help people, it takes too much energy!" He sulks and I hit him on the side of his head. "Ow! What was that for?!" BEN shouts and I walk to the kitchen, grabbing a bag of frozen peas.

After passing him the peas I give him a sad smile. "You did help, even if it was only a bit. You showed that you cared, thanks BEN..." I start walking towards my room but stop suddenly. "You wouldn't, by any chance, let me stay in your room tonight. Would you?" I give a sheepish smile and he nods in return. "Yes, however you must obey the rules I have. Don't worry there is only one rule but it is a very strict rule... I am a nudist so we shall run nude in my room!" That deserved him a slap over ear. "Just kidding! Sorry..."

BEN and I walk to his room and stand there staring at the door, it was slightly ajar. Someone was in there. As if on cue a large thump sounds from the other side, causing BEN to give me a look of pure rage. I assume he doesn't like his property being touched. I slowly reach for the door handle, just like in the movies, I can tell that the suspense is literally killing BEN because his right fist is curled up in a tight fist.

Just as I'm about to touch the handle the door flys open and standing there is a wide eyed Toby. 'BEN is going to rip his head off' Millions of different torture methods are buzzing around in my head. As I start to feel sorry for Toby, BEN launches himself at him. Both of them are rolling around on the floor, BEN's throwing punches while Toby dodges them. One swift blow the the nose and Toby is out like a light. "Phew!" BEN wipes his fore head and turns back around to face me. "Help me tie him up, will ya" BEN asks, no... Orders and smiles evilly.

~Time Skip~

BEN's room is surprisingly clean. It is full of electronics, all the cables are hanging on hooks on the walls, so that they aren't tangled and you can't trip over them. "Safe environment, how long did it take?" I ask over my shoulder to BEN who is laying down on his bed waiting for Toby to wake up. "I don't know, I started organising them when I first collected them all." He sighs and sits up.

"Cool collection." I mumble and run my finger along the edges of the different kinds of consoles. "Hmmm... X-box 360, PS1, 2, 3, 4, Wii, Wii U, Nintendo, Mac, IPad, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPod touch... And why the flip do you have so many phones?!" I shout at him and he smirks. "Uhhhh... How else am I supposed to stop my side chicks from finding out about each other, duh!" He stands up and walks over to me, might I mention that I am crouched in a ball, laughing my head off. " No seriously, why do you have so many phones?" I manage to giggle out.

Next thing I knew I was pushed up against the wall. "Why are you laughing? You don't think I'm irresistible?" He seductively asks. Although my heart beat was going crazy from the burst space bubble, I managed to put on a smile. "No sweet cheeks, I was just thinking how you side chicks are stupid enough to to fall for someone like you." I give him sass and pat his cheek twice, before being interrupted. "Are you t-two done f-flirti-Ng? Becaus-se I don't think my eyeballs can t-take much mo-ore of this..." Toby asks with a grossed-out look on his face.

"Good morning! Have a nice Nap?" BEN asks sarcastically. "Why yes-s, t-thank you good Ol' c-chap!" Toby answers in a terrible British accent, before looking at me with a large smile on his face. "Hell-lo oh wise w-waffle!" He tries to bow but cannot since he is tied to a wheelie chair. "You might wanna leave us for a bit, we have some catching up to do..." BEN smirks and I nod. "See you on the other side Toby!" I wave and exit the room.

"I think I'm gonna go stay in Sally's room tonight..." I mumble to myself and head to the living room. "SLENDER!" I yell at the top of my lungs while walking through the living room doors. "Yes child?! What is it?! What has happened?!" He appears from behind me and scans the room frantically. "Oh, no, nothing's wrong! I just wanted directions to Sally's room, since I have no clue." I smile while it looks as though he was glaring at me. "I'll get her for you..." He grumbles and walks away, but is cut off my Sally running straight past him and leaping into my arms. "You want to have a sleep over with me?" She innocently smiles and drags me to her room.

~Time Skip~

'I have a feeling Toby won't be very lively tomorrow...' I giggle to myself. "Hey Sally? I haven't got any pyjamas, could you please get me some?" I ask her and she nods, running out of the room only to appear a couple of minutes later with men's pyjama pants and a loose white t-shirt. "Thankyou!" I quickly get changed and sit down on her bed. "Daddy said that we can have some milo before bed!" Sally chirps and changes into her pink floral nighty. "Okay, do you want me to read you a few books before bed too?" I ask and she nods her head with a giggle.

We both walk over to her tea-party-table set and sit down on opposite sides. In less that a minute Slender pops up and hands Sally a teapot. She gives him a quick hug and I give him a genuine smile, and I swear to god that he smiled back. "How many sugar cubes do you have Y/N?" Sally asks while pouring the milo into two small glass teacups. "Hmm, 3 please" I reply and watch closely as she delicately stirs the milo. "Do you normally have people sleep over?" I ask and study her face, catching a glimpse of sadness. "I use to with my friends, but now I don't have as many sleep overs since the other creepy pastas are normally busy." I giggle and she stares at me confused. "Well then, how about we make a promise? Every Saturday I will sleep over in your room and we will have milo and cookies?" I stick out my pinkie and she takes it. "Promise?" She looks with pure happiness. "Promise." I smile and we sip away at our milos.

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