Chapter 5: 2 Year Anniversary

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I'M SOOOOO SORRY MY LOVELY MARSHMALLOWS!!!!! hehe I don't know why marshmallows I 'spose they are easy to squash and their insides taste sooooo gggooooddddd, sorry that's off topic and, like, super creepy... like 'n' junk 'n' stuff 'n' blah blah blah. So, um I'm really sorry about the late post, I'm really sorry... ANYWAY ENJOY THIS HORRIBLY LATE POST!!!


Y/N 's POV
Everyone was staying away from me and no one would talk to me.

That was 2 years ago, today. It is Helen's 2nd anniversary. I am now 16, as you can tell (from the picture up top) I have matured enormously, however I am still looking for Jeff so I can get my revenge. I haven't been to school in almost a year now, a week after the classroom 'incident' the same jerk-bully said the five magic words of "I'm sorry for your loss" and well lets just say that he can't do much with two broken arms, a broken nose and two broken ribs. That led to rumours of people saying that I killed Helen and used Jeff's murder methods to cover up the evidence from me killing him, it pushed me closer to the edge of insanity and I couldn't sleep at night due to the nightmares of people leaving me and Helen's limp body laying on the ground next to me. It also didn't help that I had to wear an eye patch.

Right now I am in the shower letting the water slide over my body, causing me to relax immediately. Showers help me relax but they can't help me sleep. Last night I had less than 2 hours sleep, and the maximum amount of sleep I have had in one night, since Helen's death, is around 3 and a half hours. I get out of the shower and stare in the mirror at the black bags under my eyes, I sigh, and slip on my clothes (the outfit above) and do my make up to hide the black bags. I have worn the same hoodie everyday ever since Helen's death, well I have worn it ever since my parents bought me the house.

"Today I will get Jeff!" I shout to myself... like every other day. I walk into my office and stare at the giant cork board filled with information about Jeff, there is info about his background story, his family, his murder methods and every one of his murders since a month after Helen's death. The place of the murders are marked out on a map, "Why is he making it so easy...?", I question myself and stare at the map. On the map are red crosses in the shape of a large smile and two crosses for eyes. "In the last two years he has killed... hmmm... 80 people and I have seen him murder 53 of those victims... WHY IS HE MAKING THIS SO EASY IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!" I slam my fist on the desk underneath the map on the wall.

I grab my sword from in the closet, it was in a big black duffle bag so that no one would notice it if I took it into town. The sword was the one that my grandfather crafted; while he was still alive; for a retired soldier but the soldier didn't collect it in the end. I had just recently found it in the attack when I was looking for my just-in-case-alarm-clock. I walk out the back door and walk towards the next predicted place that Jeff is going to strike, but for some reason I felt like going to the bench Helen showed me.

When I arrive at the edge of the woods I take my sword out of its bag and buckle up the leather strap for the sheath (sword holder thingy) around my waist. "I'm not letting my guard down once in there..." I mumble and walk in to the woods, looking over my shoulder every so often. I arrive at the bench and sit down. I decide to sing to Helen hoping he can hear me from heaven. (start song here)

The melody flows out of my mouth:

"You were the shadow to my light

Did you feel us?

Another star

You fade away

Afraid our aim is out of sight

Wanna see us


Where are you now?

Where are you now?

Where are you now?

Was it all in my fantasy?

Where are you now?

Were you only imaginary?

Where are you now?


Under the sea

Under the sea

Where are you now?

Another dream

The monster's running wild inside of me

I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded

These shallow waters never met what I needed

I'm letting go a deeper dive

Eternal silence of the sea. I'm breathing alive

Where are you now?

Where are you now?

Under the bright but faded lights

You've set my heart on fire

Where are you now?

Where are you now?

Where are you now?


Under the sea

Under the sea

Where are you now?

Another dream

The monster's running wild inside of me

I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded"

A single tear rolls down my cheek and then the rest follow. Except I'm not sobbing or making any noise, the tears are just rolling down my face as I stare off into space, completely caught up in thought of the day Helen and I spent together. I stand up and look around me, I can see the whole event play out in front of my eyes as if it were a hologram. "Helen..." I say as I stand next to his body, I reach down to shake him but my hand goes right through.

I watch as my past self stabs Jeff with his own knife. I turn back to Helen's past self, the tears are still rolling down my cheeks. I squat down next to the body and lean close to his ear. "I love you..." I whisper, "I always have..." I stand back up and start to walk to the location of the predicted murder, but turn around to see my past self on the floor before the memory disappears. I wipe away the tears and continue walking.

~Time skip~ brought to you by a magnificent mud pie

I am now at home after witnessing another murder. 'The victim looked to be in his early 30's and is male.' I write on a sticky note and pin it to the corkboard. "Knock Knock Knock" Someone is at my door. "COMING!" I shout and run to the door. I open up the door a bit to see who it is and the person roughly shoves open the door. Before I can say anything they cover my mouth and nose with a cloth. 'It...smells w-weird...' You think. 'Someone... H-Help... me...' Everything goes black.

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