Chapter 4: School

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I'm soooooo sorry about the late post it's because I've been helping setting up our neighbours 21st (Happy Birthday btw...) so... um... yeah I will keeping writing when ever I can! :)


A single tear rolls down my face as I lose consciousness once again.

~Time Skip~ 2 days later...

The familiar beeping sound is heard and I sit up as fast as possible, I notice I'm in the same hospital room and that I'm still in the clothes from when I tried to run away. You rip the cords from your arm and hang your legs off the edge of the bed, however I am handcuffed to one of the railings. "Easy" I mumble and pick the lock with one of my bobby pins. I stand up and head towards the window, once I open the window I crawl out.

Lucky I was only on the first floor so I didn't have to jump off the roof. "Or fall... off the... roof..." I mumble to myself as I remember the only day Helen and I spent together before... he... Died.

The week went by fast I just sat at home alone because my parents couldn't even care about me. The school sent me a letter saying that I could still attend school, 'they're just doing this cause they feel sorry for me since I witnessed it' I thought when I read it. I didn't even want to go to school because I will only get bullied, again, but I still decided to go since it will pass time.

It's Monday morning and my alarm goes off. "Shut up..." I grumble and press snooze, before falling asleep again. The alarm goes off again five minutes later and I sit up, you head to the kitchen and open the bits 'n' bobs draw. I grab something from the draw and head back to my bedroom. My alarm clock is still ringing, "BEEP! BEEP!! BE-" I smash it to pieces with the hammer I got from the draw.

"That's the 87th alarm clock in 100 days... I'll go buy another one today..." I mumble and head to the bathroom while I scratch my lower back. I run the shower and strip off. The water runs over my smooth skin giving me a relaxing feeling and I sigh. Once I'm out of the shower I put on my school uniform then my hoodie, do my hair, pack my bag and look at the clock, "CRAP!" I sprint to the kitchen and open the Weetabix box. I shove two Weetabix in my mouth, sprint to the front door and grab my skate board, I skate my way to school.

As soon as I enter the school gates everyone stares at me and I ignore them. I skate to my locker, I don't really care about the stupid school rules. A heap of kids crowd around me while I grab the stuff for my next class, they're whispering about me and Helen. One of them coughs loudly to get my attention so I turn around emotionless. He takes a step forward and I notice the cast on his arm, it's the jerk who bullied Helen, I just stand there and glare at him. "I-I-I'm really sorry for your l-loss..." He mumbles and hands me a single black rose. His eyes are puffy and red, it looks like he's been crying, I take the rose and look down at the ground. I'm surprised I'm not being bullied right now.

"Tell me something..." I mumble and a single tear rolls down my face as I look up at him, "Do you feel guilty is this what this rose is for? Or are you actually genuinely sorry that he's gone?" I stare into his shocked green eyes, he says nothing. "There's no need for you to lie, after all, being told so many lies means I can tell when you're lying..." I turn back around and grab my school supplies. "If you didn't pull back his chair then we wouldn't have gone to the nurses office or run away, so really you're to blame..." I mumble and push through the crowd, skate board in hand.

My first class is art, Helen and I had art when his chair was pulled back. "Art's in A6." I mumble and head to class. As soon as I walk in I immediately regret it, "Sorry for your loss." Everyone said as I walked past them to the back of the class, I didn't reply, I just sat down in the seat next to Helen's empty chair. I put my bag and skate board on the floor, leaning against the desk's leg. The teacher walked up to me and said "I'm sorry for your loss." That was it, my breaking point broke.

I stood up and grabbed the male teacher by the collar, pulling him down to my height. "I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN SORRYS!" I shout in his shocked and horrified face before turning to face the whole class, "SAME WITH ALL OF YOU! TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW THAT THE NEXT PERSON WHO SAYS 'SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS' WILL REGRET IT!" I grab my stuff and storm out of the silent classroom. I skate home and run to my room crying and sobbing. I cried and cried until I cried myself to sleep.

I was asleep for hours, when I woke up it was 5 pm. I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch, my eyes were all puffy and red from hours of crying. I decided to watch some TV and of course Helen's death was on the news. "The investigation of the murder of a 14 year old boy, Helen Otis, has come to a close. We have news that (Y/N) (L/N) survived the attack but obtained a large cut to her face and she wishes not to be interviewed. DNA tests prove the body belongs to Helen Otis, Helen Otis' body was not recognisable at first because it was set on fire by the murderer believed to be Jeff the killer due to the remains of smile carved on the Helen Otis' face-" I turn off the TV and cry into one of the couch cushions, I cry for another hour and a half. By the time I finish crying it was dark outside, so I make myself a milo and head back up to my bedroom.

The next day I went to school two hours late because I forgot to buy a new alarm clock. Everyone was staying away from me and no one would talk to me.

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