Chapter 16: Mentally

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OH MA GAD ITS BEEN SO LONGGGG!!! I AM SO SORRY!!!! I HAVE BEEN SO BUSY WITH SCHOOL AND WORK AND CAMP AND WORK EXPERIENCE AND BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! MY LOVELY MARSHMALLOWS I AM SO SORRY!!! As an apology, here ya go! One chapter! (Im gonna try to update at least once a week >_< sorry)

Helen's POV

I feel a prick in my shoulder and turn to see sally holding a needle and a tear roll down her cheek. "He made me..." Those were the last words I heard before everything went black.


*this part occurs since she first fell from 2 stories high*

I can't move. I can barely breath. I can't see. And worst of all, I can't hear my own heart beat. Is this hell? No, this is life at its finest. 'If only I could just o-o-open my ey-eyes' I think with desperation while trying with all my might to open the eyes that continue to disobey me.

Hours and hours go by, every passing hour I still can't manage to open my eyes. I can't even feel anything or even hear anything. I just want to survive. I just want to live. There is so many questions with no answers. So many answers with no questions.

"Well maybe I can help with that" A female voice suggested with a hint of a giggle at the end.

"H-Huh??" I ask myself and she gave a giggle in reply. "W-Who are you?"

"Aww, you don't even remember your own conscience?" Suddenly light poured in and I had to shield my eyes. I COULD MOVE AGAIN. AND SEE AGAIN. "I-I can see again! I-I can... see... m-myself...?" As the light subdued I could see myself. I was fast asleep in Bloody Painter's room, my back was facing me and I could see Bloody Painter's mask. He was holding my hand and Sally was asleep in between us. "One, Two, Three." My conscience stated and then I exploded into a blushing mess. I bolted over to Bloody Painter and tried shaking him awake, but to my dismay my hand went straight through him. "Wha-!" When I landed on the ground there was no thud, no shuffling, no crash, not even the slightest bang.

I immediately sat up, head sticking out of the mattress while my other half was underneath the bed. "No." I said in a shallow voice. "Yes." My conscience spoke and I looked up. Sure enough, floating in the air cross legged was my conscience, except she looked nothing like me. Infact she was the complete opposite and looked almost devilish. "Hey there captain!" She giggled.

She had long wavy black curls that sprouted out from under a red ribbon head band that separates her straight cut fringe and a few strands, from the flow of dark locks. Her clothes consist of a loose kimono style coat, a white dress, a cream scarf covering her child like neck and black ribbons that wrap around her small legs. She looked merely like a child and seemed to have the nature of one as well since she tended to giggle after every sentence. She had a few band aids on her cheeks that gave her a clumsy atmosphere. but the thing that stood out the most was her blood red eyes and tempting stare.

"W-Who are you?" I ask as I stand up and give her a questioning glance. She giggled once. Twice. Before placing her hand in front of my face. "I could have possibly lied when I said I was your conscience, who knows?" After I didn't shake her hand, she just giggled before flipping upside down so that she was laying on her back in the air, her hair giving in to gravity and falling with it. "Oh don't be a party pooper, say something!" She smiled encouragingly. "Why am I here?" I whisper and she giggles again. "All will be explained captain."

'My conscience' looks behind me and gives a genuine smile, one that looks loyal and loving. I look behind me to see what has moved her heart. Bloody Painters eyelids flutter open, he is staring at me... Well my body... I quickly stood up and looked closely at his face, inches apart trying to read the emotions zooming in and out of his eyes. But i cant read his emotions quick enough. Sally is still snuggled up to my body and Bloody Painters fingers are still interlaced with mine. He looks around and only now do I realise the whole mansion is asleep on the blanket covered floor. I only recognise one half of them. Some of them I feel like I've seen but haven't talked to them.

One after another they all start to wake up, and I see Painter give them a glare then point to Sally's sleeping form. They nod as if understanding straight away and silently clean up the room. Painter, obviously too lazy to be productive, continues to just lay there, stroking Sally's hair with his free hand while constantly staring at my body, as if he is waiting for something to happen. "I wish i could hear his thoughts..." I mumble to myself but the floating girl hears and giggles. "I mean, all you have to do is ask." She giggles and my eyes shoot up in her direction. "Y-you can do that?" She nods and I give her a begging look. "Fine. Fine. Fine." And she clicks her fingers. "Her bones still look the same as yesterday, except the bones that were broken in her index finger have healed." He silently runs his thumb over my hand, gently, as if checking how many bones have healed, but by his disappointed eye slant, I take it not that many. "Around 3 bones in her finger are healed, it looks as though every bone in her body is broken."

My concentration on Bloody Painter is shifted over to Sally when she lets out a little yawn and turns around hugging Painter. "Morning painter..." She whispers groggily. "Good morning Sally." He whispers back and looks at her before turning his gaze back to my body again. "Any changes?" Sally whispers and hugs him slightly tighter, as if looking for strength and hope. "I'm not too sure... 3 bones in her finger have healed though... But it looks like she will be like this for a while, I'm sorry Sal..." He whispers and lifts his mask up a little bit, kissing her on the head, and pulling it back down. By now I am peering fairly close to his face, but I only saw his soft luscious lips as the retract back into his mask.

Suddenly, 'My conscience' pipes in. "Anyway, as I was saying, it's gonna take a bit to explain everything. But you might wanna brace yourself for a few minutes..." This time she doesn't giggle, instead, she stares at my body as if angry at whats about to happen. "What?" I ask before suddenly a massive surge of pain runs through my body. I scream in agony. "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" I manage to screech out before another surge of pain bolts through my body. "I-Im sorry! Please just hold out for a little while!" I hear her shout, as if distressed, herself. Suddenly another surge of pain shoots through my body. But this one is ten times as worse, I feel like I have been struck by lightning while standing in a pool of water and electric eels, while being stabbed in the heard with a blunt bread knife as it slowly tears my heart into pieces.

I am consumed in darkness for 0.1 of a second before my eyes shoot open. I scream in pain as tears pour down my face. "Help me..." I whimper to Bloody Painter while looking straight into his eyes, hoping that he can do something. Anything. But everything goes dark again as I pass out from the immense pain radiating from my body.

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