t w e l v e

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chapter twelve
when i sat back down at the table harry smiled at me,i smiled back.niall on the other hand looked upset,he looked worried.harry seemed to notice nialls change of mood.

"you ok niall?" he looked up water in his eyes.

"yea,i'm good." harry went over to him and sat down.

"i'll leave you guys to it."i practically whispered as i stood up from my chair to walk away.

"tyler,we need to talk."i look back at niall with a tear racing down his soft cheeks.i felt water push at my eyes,i'm not ready for this.

"harry can you leave us for a little i have to ask her something." he nodded patting both of our backs,please don't leave.

as harry exited the room i felt my heart sink into what felt like an endless pit.

"tyler?" his sweet voice made it hurt even more.

"what niall."

"why did you do that to yourself?"his face turned a deep shade of red as tears started falling more consistently,i've never seen any guy cry like this before.i'm not saying they can't or they're not supposed to,i like it.it shows they sometimes have to let loose.

"i didn't do it to myself,my situation did it to me." he scoffed as i felt a stab of pain in my chest.

"no tyler,your situation didn't cut you,you cut yourself.i'm not saying that to be rude but it's true."i never thought niall could be like this i thought he'd hold me tight and tell me it'll be ok and that i won't have to tell harry.

"please don't tell harry i don't want him to be scared away,i can't help my mental state i can't help my depression!" i might of said that last part to loud but i felt that careless feeling return.

"you have depression?" i nodded in response if i said anything else the water in my eyes would burst once more."what's it like?" most would think his curiosity is rude in this situation but i didn't,he just wanted to understand

"it's like dying,and seeing everyone around you watch you as you fall away,it's like being stuck in a cage and no one wanting to help you out.please don't tell harry." as niall hears my statement his face drops and looks behind me.

"to late love." my heart seems to stop and my breathing starts to become more rapid and short,tears stream from my face and my eyes start to get blurry,my chests feels like it's being pushed in from both sides and i can't breathe.

i turn and see harry standing in the lonely doorway as chills went up my spine.

"harry i'm sorry." is all i manage to squeak out before he runs over to me and engulfs me in his arms,his scent fills me and his face is warm. against forehead.i moved out foreheads apart and shoved my face in the crook of his neck as i clench his shirts and sob into it.

"baby it's ok,you couldn't scare me off even if you tried.what did you think i would be scared of?"i see niall leave us as he glances back giving me a reassuring smile.

"me,i thought you would think less of me or you would think i wasn't worth your time."he lets out a whimper as i meet his beautiful eyes with my glossy brown eyes.

"you're worth everything to me,all i am is worried." i nod understanding why he would be worried.

"are we okay?"

"we're ok."

as our hug parted i knew one thing,harry styles is going to change my life.

elegantly wasted-h.sWhere stories live. Discover now