t h i r t e e n

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as we left the kitchen we saw niall sitting in the room with all his instruments and he was meticulously writing in a small notebook.
i looked at harry and he whispered telling me to go thank niall,at first i was confused on what i was thanking him for.but then i realized he helped me tell harry even though i didn't want him to he did and it took weight off my shoulders.harry let go of my hand which he had been tightly holding and he walked into the room we would be staying in for the next two days.

"hey niall," he looked up and turned around."thank you,i know i didn't want him to know but you talking to me helped me unintentionally talk to harry about it and it means so much too me." my voice cracked a little and he heard it.he got up and wrapped himself around me,his chest radiated heat and his arms held me loosely which was different usually someone would hold you tight to them but he he didn't.

"you're welcome." he smiled and sat back down to continue writing away.

as i walked into the room i saw harry lying on the bed asleep,already.i was gone for no ore then 3 minutes.

i walked over to the suitcases and changed into an oversized t-shirt and climbed into the sheets,i kissed harry's forehead and whispered him goodnight,as soon as i closed my eyes i felt my self fall asleep

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