f o u r t e e n

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chapter fourteen
when i woke up my eyes fluttered open revealing harry's muscular back right in front of me,he was still asleep when i looked over.

i exited the room changing into shorts under my t-shirt,i walked past nialls' music room to see him once again carefully puzzling together words in a small tattered notebook.

"niall?" he looked up yawning and stretching,he waved a hand at me and motioned me to come sit down,as i sat down he closed up the notebook and smiled at me like a child.

"goodmornin tyler,how is my newfound friend doing?" i give a light laugh and respond within seconds.

"well new friend niall,i'm doing quite swell.how are you on this fine morning?"he nudged me with his elbow earning him a laugh.

"how about we go make sleeping beauty a breakfast." i added on as i started to make my way towards the kitchen.

i grabbed the eggs,bacon and toast.niall worked on the bacon because i was scared of the grease that was flinging from the pan, as i toasted up some bread and cooked some eggs.i seasoned eggs buttered toast and niall,well niall just cooked the bacon cause i didn't have the strength to do it.i meticulously placed everything into an orderly fashion and set the table while niall sat at the table strumming his guitar playing sweet sweet tunes.

"voilà,a perfect breakfast made by me."i smiled and stood proudly then curtsying.

"and me.don't forget about me." i nodded and added on to me sentence and the bacon man niall horan.

then right as i finished giving credits to the chefs,harry walked in.his hair was shoved in a man but with some curly strands at the sides framing his face.he had on a baggy shirt and some grey sweatpants,adorable.

"goodmorning ty." he stretched and came over to hug me,ty he called me ty.

"goodmorning harry." i hugged him back the scent of his cologne still roamed even though most of it had worn off.

"niall and i cooked breakfast you better enjoy it o worked hard in that bacon."niall scoffed and let out a loud laugh.

"sure ya did darling."i stick my tongue out at him and sat down devouring my food in less then five minutes.

as we sat eating breakfast i went to the room to take my medicine and take a shower,the water cascaded down my bare skin as i rubbed the shampoo and conditioner in my hair.the water was cold down my spine making me jump when i first stepped in.i blasted my music and sang along to stockholm syndrome,i only showered for that song because my showers are fast i hate long showers they irritate my skin,they make me feels like someone's clawing at my back.

i slowly made my way out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me.the cold water and the cold air together made me feel like i was freezing.i changed into loose shorts and tucked my sweatshirt into the band of the pants causing it to look not to bad.i put my hair up into a damp messy bun and look cautiously at myself.what if i don't look good enough?i never do.

when i look at myself i wish i could be happy,i wish i could say i love myself.i mean there's nothing terribly wrong with me,i'm just not pleased with myself and my looks.i wish i was pretty enough.

i stepped out of the bathroom tried to warm myself in my sweatshirt,it was freezing in his house.

i perked up when i heard music coming from the room where niall pieces together masterpieces.i to the doorway to see harry standing between the frame,he looked back and saw me motioning me too join him.his arm wrapped around my back and he held me close as niall sang this town. it was beautiful.i've never heard anyone but twenty one pilots live and that was in concert,this was raw and stripped of all extra details lit was just him and his guitar singing the lyrics that put people back together.the song came to and end and harry was rubbing at the small of my back,and kissed my forehead,i felt at home,i felt sad with them.

my eyes widened as i saw the ukulele sitting across the room.

"you have a ukulele!"i squealed excitedly,he nodded handing it to me as i sat down on the long bench next to niall.

i started strumming random chords into what sounded like a song when it really was just a couple chords and me humming smoothly along to the soft sounds.i started picking at he strings and soothingly murmuring lyrics to hometown as i played the cords for the song.the song drew to an end and they both were just staring at me slightly wide eyed.

"you can sing?"nialls accent sounded more think when he whispered.

"i kinda do sometimes,nothing serious." i scratched at the back of my neck as i placed the ukulele down where it lied before.

we should get going.

well how is it so far? i'm trying ok.i'll try to improve with each chapter.have a nice day/night/afternoon.


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