t h r e e

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chapter three
chills went down my spine as i heard a voice and felt a hand place itself on my lower back.i gulped and slowly turned to see a man with emerald green eyes,curly hair and a face sculptured so perfectly i couldn't point out a flaw.

"yea i'm ok" i seemed to stutter my words out and i felt beads of sweat form.

"darling you look like you're freezing" i looked down and shrugged,i felt a soft material drape around my shoulders and i had realized a coat had been placed upon me.

"thank you,i don't need it though i'm on my way home" as i began to remove the jacket he stopped me

"i'll walk with you,i don't want you getting sick" i could see him enough in the soft light of a street lamp that his smile illuminated causing me to smiled a genuine smile for the first time in a while.

as we continued to walk in the cold it began to rain,my luck.

as we made it into my apartment building and stopped at my door i turned to see him fully in the light.he was quite tall and his eyes couldn't seem to stop sparkling.

"hey as weird as this may sound do you need anything?cause if i can help you with anything i will since you helped me..." that sentence felt like it took hours to spit out, his face turned into a smile revealing his dimples,i bit my lip to avoid a huge embarrassing grin from forming.

"actually there is one thing,i haven't been around this town a lot so is there a possibility you could take me around town later today?"

i am internally s c r e a m i n g

"yea of course!" i smiled and balanced from the balls of my feet of my heels.

he pushed his hand back through his hair and chuckled, i smiled twiddling with my keys realizing i had probably had been staring at him for a good minute because he had gained a smirk.

"oh yea would you like to come in?" his smirk morphed into a smile and he nodded thanking me soon after.i twiddled with my keys a little more as i tried to get them into the lock on the door.when i eventually opened the door i had forgot i left my apartment a mess.

i wasn't one to hide anything,scars,medicine,secrets.none of it.
so when he walked into onto my house i didn't bother to hide the couple medicine bottles cause who would automatically assume that it's for a mental disorder they'd probably assume it's for headaches or shit like that.

i immediately went to the speaker and thought about what to turn on.

"uhm,,,i never caught your name." he let of a deep giggle,

"you don't know my name?" i plastered a confused look on my face as i shrugged no.then i saw him look completely embarrassed.

"i need to stop assuming people know who i am right of fthe bat.the names harry,harry styles"the name sounded extremely familiar but i wasn't sure where i knew it from.

"well harry,what music would you like?"he smirked and ran his hair through his long silky hair once more.

"you chose." i smiled and plugged my phone into the aux chord.

"harry styles my charming guest i present you a look into my world,through music." he laughed once more as i bowed began to play hometown by twenty one pilots.

"who is this?" he questioned as i stood in shook and crossed my arms and refused to talk to him.

"oh come on please tell me." i shook my head no and giggled like a little baby as he began to tickle me like a child.

"harry stop i'm not a child!" i whined as he continued to tickle my rib cage.

"yes you are now come to daddy!" i looked at him and we made dead eye contact as i ran to the speaker and blasted daddy issues by the neighborhood.

he looked and me and stuck out his tongue to the side of his mouth and but his lip.

"do you want a drink?" i held up some fireball and he nodded waking over,i know it was now 6 am but it's never to early for a drink.thats my motto.usually bret is here to control my drinking but he's not soon so...

as i kept pouring myself drinks harry started to catch on that i had a little issues with being in control and moderation.

"hey maybe you should put the fireball down." he gently touched my arm and i ripped it away and blasted this song called drag me down by one direction.

harry's face seemed to change and he started laughing.

"so you do know who i am?"he shook his head and laughed a little.

"look i have no fucking clue who you are and i would really like to know." i slurred out as i began to fall over furniture.

"ok lovely let's find your room." i felt his arms wrap around me and his warm scent filled my mind,i wrapped my arms around him and smiled and all i heard was a laugh.

he gently placed me in my bed and i felt myself melt into the mattress as i slowly drifted away.

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