Group Texts 7

71 4 1

Alec in normal
Magnus in bold
Raphael in italics
Simon in underlined

Good morning.. or night!



Are you okay?

Of course!

I think we need to check you out


I'm fine!

And hyper...


I still think something's wrong


I swear I'm fine

Whatever you say




My arm hurts


Wait, is Alec Lightwood talking to me and calling me by my real name for once? I don't know if I should be scared or happy

Whatever, Storm. Is Izzy with you?

Ahaha no. And he's back

Simon, I won't hesitate to kill you when I have the chance

To be honest, I would too

Stop picking on me

Never, shortcake

I hate you all

Be nice!!!


Hi Izzy

Izzy has been blocked from group chat


That was random

Simon has been blocked from group chat

Thank you, Magnus

You're welcome!!

Night everyone!!

Raphael shall not be disturbed for 48 hours

He left on purpose, didn't he?

Of course he did, sweetheart

You're never going to stop, are you?

Yes Alexander

You know me too well

Of course I do

I blame myself for that

And it's a good thing too

Aww. I love you

I love you more

I love you most

I love you for eternity

Hey! Cheater!

I don't know what you're talking about. You're becoming immortal in three days

Shut up

Make me, darling

If you dare that is

Oh, you're on

Really? I'm the one here with the advantage. You're mine

Magnus, I swear to god if you tickle me, I'm hating you

Right. Like that's going to happen. I can't help it that I'm irresistible. Besides, I have other plans for you including tickling

Punish me, daddy

You're going to let me win? How adorable and pathetic at the same time

Well, I want you

Then get in position and I'll do you hard

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