2.chapter- Make out session.

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 After an hour of boredness I went with Ella to our lockers and dumped all my books in the locker. I like this locker system.

“ Well now we’ve got to go to the cafeteria  to eat.”She said while grabbing my arm and pulling me , Literally , this girl’s strong for someone that’s  5’4’’ tall.

We got into a huge room space filled with student’s carrying their plates with food to their tables.

“First of all do not ever get fruits and vegetables from here. Like ever , did you hear me?” She said with all seriousness on her face. I nodded.

“Why is that “I asked.

“ Because it tastes like shit and its always rotten.” I scrunched my nose in disgust.

“Eww. Well then I won’t ever.” I smiled and she laughed at me.

“ I feel like me and you are going to become good friends.” I hope so. I wanted to answer but she started talking. “ So let me just say this so pretty much people here sit in grups so there are tables for everyone . You see there’s the popular group and you can’t ever sit with them unless they invite you too.” She said pointing to the table by the soda machine. I spotted  the hottie douche bag that I still don’t know the name and sitting next to him is that stripper girl Rebecca . Wow that girl looks like if you touched her face all the makeup would start falling off . The hottie held her waist with his right arm and on his left side was a guys with light brown hair some tattoos on his arm peeking thru the leather jacket and other people on the deck we’re just some cheerleaders and other Bitch group members that I don’t know the name.There we’re two other guys walking towards the table and I can see that they’re a part of the popular group . They weren’t like the douche bag hottie or the other guy on his left type they we’re more of like preppy jock kind of type judging by their jackets.

“Then there’s the group of nerds over there at the corner, hipsters over there , Invisibles over there as we like to call them cause they don’t like to draw attention to themselves.” I would like to be in their group. “There’s the musical group , drama club group and just some random people over there. There’s our table . We like to call ourselves ‘We don’t care group’” She said pointing to the table on the right side of the cafeteria.

“Uuuh , I like that group already.” I smiled and I really did enjoyed it because back in Croatia me and tina  really didn’t care what anyone thought about us and we just made total weirdos out of ourselves every they and to tell you the truth we loved it.

“Well that’s awesome to hear.” I really loved Ella’s company because I felt she was crazy as I was, but she didn’t like the attention which I always prefer .

On the ‘We don’t care’ table there were two guys who by the way we’re cute and hot and there were three girls that looked kind and crazy at the same time. We walked up to them and they just shot us confused glares and started started staring at me and then one of the  girls on the table freaked out. And when I mean freaked out I mean freaked out.

“Oh my God oh my God . Is that Ana  from the blog called Living with Ana. Oh dear Godness I cannot believe it’s you” Oh shit this is not supposed to happen , god I just hope that nobody else knows about me and my blog.

“Yeess…? And you are?” I said smiling unsurely.

“Hi! Oh my Gosh I still can’t believe it’s you. I must have scared you .My name is Rose . I’ve been like a huge fan of you’re blog . I heard that you were going to live in states but I had no idea that you are going to be going to this school. “ She said catching her breath.

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