17. Chapter- Such A Suck Up

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17. Chapter

//Chapter devoted to JustPatty who kept on giving me advices and who kept on cheering for this story. Thank you. It truly does mean a lot to me. //

We were in the living room.

All of us seated on the comfortable sofas, looking at each other in awkward silence. You could say now that I wanted to shoot myself in the head with a machine gun.

No, no, I have something better. I will take a spoon and dig a whole in my stomach. Because that would hurt a lot.

Okay, this shit just got very emo.

I shook my head of these ridiculous suicidal thoughts, and looked to the side where Ty sat. At first my dad didn't want him to sit where I am, but I told him off. With a threat of course.

Now when I think about, I think I'm going to get my period soon. Not that I keep a track of it, but just because I've been in a pissy mood like a LOT. Oh well.

“Are you good?” I felt Ty's breath on my earlobe.

“Peachy. Why?”

“Well, you've been making these strange faces the past five minutes we've been in this shit hole.” He whispered so the rest of my family wouldn't hear us.

Before I could respond my mom's chirpy voice beat me to it, “So kids, I'm going to set the table. Be by the table for 15 minutes.”

I was up on my legs first, trying to drag Ty up to my room, before my sisters could do anything.

“Damn, babe, if you're in such hurry to devour me you could have just said something.”Ty's teasing voice boomed the hallway to my room.

“Oh shut up.” I pushed him into my room quickly shutting the door behind. Before I could say anything, his lips were on mines.

I definitely didn't expect this.

Nevertheless I kissed him back, Our tongues soon collided, making my knees weak.

Ty grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his warm hard body. Shit that sounded wrong. I meant that his chest were hard, not his thingy down there, not that I touched it or anything.

My hand was tangled in his messy hair, while his were on my waist and going a bit lower every second. Before he could touch my butt I broke the kiss and grabbed his hands, “Slow down cowboy.”

“Shut up.” He mocked me in a overly girly voice. I laughed lightly.

“You do know that now you've gotten yourself in so much shit.”

“Figured that one.” He responded, “But who the fuck cares.” He finished giving me a cocky smile.

“Mmhm.” I continued rolling my eyes, “You will care after this lunch.”


“The meal was delicious, Mrs. Tom.” Ty complimented. That little suck up.

“Thank y-”

“Ty can we step outside for a bit.” He glances curiously at my request and nods.

“Be back soon!” My mom yelled after us as we walked out of the house.

“Can you stop being such a suck up!” I yelled madly at him. Okay, maybe a bit too loudly?

“What for fucks sake?” He said back at me.

“You gotta stop being so nice. Be your rude self.” I breathed out, trying not to yell as loudly as before. “Look you cannot be so nice to my family, they will start liking you.” I scrunched up my face, in disgust.

A smile broke on to his face, “Aren't we trying to achieve that?” He was trying to suppress his stupid laughter. Asshole.

“No, no we aren't. Do you wanna go every freaking Sunday to church?” A bit of panic flashed through his green eyes. “Because believe me they will ask you to come with them.” I told him my voice even more serious, hoping to scare him a bit more.

I wish that worked, because as soon as I finished, that stupid beautiful smile took over his once serious expression.

He took a step closer to me, his hand grabbing lightly my forearm, as if making sure I wouldn't take a step back. “Ana, I am not afraid or bothered going to church with you if that is what it takes for me to be with you. I don't honestly care what I have to do to see you or to kiss you.” He was now even closer to me. His green eyes were staring into mines. The gaze was so intense, I could not look anywhere else but into his. Suddenly his lips captured mine into a deep kiss. His lips molded perfectly against mines, it was almost unbelievable. All my worries disappeared at that very moment.

Once again I was caught up in Ty Channing.

HELLO *creepy smiles* 

I think imma be continuing this story. I guess that I'm feeling bad for quiting, since it's my first one here on Wattpad. 

I kind of thought about where I wanted my plot to go, since as you can see from the last chapters it kinda got boring (at least to me) so I've gotten myself some NEW and hopefully EXCITING (do you see those capitals... that's how exciting it is) plot twists. 

This chapter is super short... 700 something words? But I just wanted to write somthing down and post it so I can keep ya'll updated. 

VOTE and COMMENT if you like....

If you'vegot some suggestions for the story, go ahead and tell me because everything is appreciated. 

Much love, xoxo.


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