4. Chapter- Those 3 Hickeys

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Next two days went on pretty calmly thank God without Ty , but somehow I wondered where he was. I didn’t see him at all those two days. Truly I’m kind of thankful for that , ‘cause I know what effect he had on me.

Today’s  Thursday so finally this week  is almost over. The stripper girl didn’t bother me that much, she just sometimes glared at me and I always laughed at that, because I didn’t get what she had against me. I’m not going to let her harass me though.

I somehow gotten myself out of my bed went to the window to roll up the blinds. My eyes were adjusting to the light. When I took a look at their neighbors house and right across my window I faced other window . I obviously noticed that but the room was always empty and now it’s dark so that probably means that nobody’s inside…. Weird, but moving on.

When I turned around I went to my desk and turned my laptop on so I can listen to some music. I picked a playlist ,turned it on the highest volume and started dancing to it while I moved to my closet to put an outfit together. I walked out of my closet only in my underwear , with the clothes I picked from my closet in my hands, I went with my high-waisted dark washed jeans, cream cropped sweater and topped it off with  a gold chunky chain that I adored . Jammin’ to music I spotted a pair of green eyes looking at me with amusement . I stopped dancing and tried to cover myself from Ty looking at me from that room across my window that I thought was empty… Well, I guess it isn’t anymore. Gosh why is he still staring at me , I obviously noticed him . Shouldn’t he look away , be embarrassed  or something? Well , not Ty Channing.

I ran to the window and pulled the blinds down , I saw him chuckling .What  an asshole . He finally disappeared from my sight and I putted the clothes on my body and finally felt normal and not exposed. I mean how dare he just staring there at me and smirking. It was like he was mocking at me . I already felt insecure about my body. He didn’t have to rub it in my face . Gosh he’s so annoying.

But hot. My subconscious reminded me.


After I got dressed I looked myself in the mirror. Ok ,Ana , Ty’s back and he’s obviously going to be at school today. Just ignore him and keep a good distance from him .Ok ?

Ok .

I just noticed those 3 hickeys . They’re visible, but not as much as before. I can cover it now easily with concealer, thank god! Ellie noticed them but I lied to her, obviously scared what’ll she think.

Speaking of her, she and the group are amazeballs. They’re so fun to be with. I feel like they are going to be great friends.  Luke told me that he’ll be picking me up  today and I’m grateful for that , because I hate  going to that damn bus , I need to go get a driver liscence.I don’t have one because, in Croatia you can’t drive until you’re eighteen.  

Anyways I got everything that I needed in my bag and the I slipped on my brown combat boots and hurried out of the door when I heard a horn of the car obviously signalizing that look was waiting.I grabbed an energy bar from the kitchen island , said my goodbyes to everybody and walked through the door of the house.  I saw Luke but he didn’t notice me, instead he was staring at something intensely.  When I turned my head, confused, to the source of his stare she saw Ty , incredibly hot in his dark jeans and b lack shirt covered with his  grey coat. Ty broke away from Luke’s gaze and turned his head to me with anger flashing through his eyes.  I was so confused. Why the heck is he mad now. Is he bipolar or what?

“What the fuck is he doing here?” Ty asked me with anger rising up in his voice by every second.

I truly don’t understand why is he angry? Is he jealous? No way…. I mean it’s not like we’re together and he’s like a womanizer bad boy everything in comparison to me.

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