Bad Boy with a Blogger ?

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„ANA! are you done with packing?! We're going to be late for our flight!!!" my mom yelled, while I was trying to pack my suitcase filled with clothes.

I know, you're thinking like what the hell is happening right now. And to be honest I don't even know. This week everything happened so freaking quickly that even I couldn't keep up with the news flashing in front of me. So let me just explain...

My dad told us on Monday that we need to move all of the sudden. But not like changing neigborhoods or like going to another city... My family and I have to move from one continent to another, to be more precise from Europe to North America and to be even more precise from little country named Croatia to USA... Like what the actual fuck?! And the best thing is that we're moving to the city of my dreams... New York.

I've always dreamed to go to New York. To experience the life in the Big Apple. Only thing that I'm afraid is to go there to school. I've seen so many movies about American teenagers in high schools and their typical mean girls. I hope that that's just a lie. I mean it's not like I'm gonna poop my pants or anything similar, cause I know how to fight for myself if they bother me. Those 2 years of karate weren't for nothing. I just don't want to cause any trouble. My English is ok, I can understand everything I guess...

You see in Croatia rating in school is totally different...

A is in Croatia 5, B is 4 , C is 3 ,D is 2 and F is 1. I guess I'll have to get used to it.

I've called every one of my friends to tell them that I'll be leaving... Tina, who's my best friend, and I started crying cause we didn't know how we'll survive without each other. We've been besties since middle school and now I just don't know what will I do without her. I have like a different sense of humor that only she understands and every moment with her is like hilarious.

It's probably more easier for my sisters, cause they don't go to High school or Middle school. They're much older than me.

The oldest sister is 25 year old. Her name's Maria.

My other sister is 23 year old. Her name's Elena. Me and my sisters were never too close, probably because of the age difference, like now that I think about it Maria and Elena are much more closer than with me but I'm kinda ok with that.

Anyways, after torture with the suitcase I've finally packed everything and went downstairs.

"Oh, well see who's here... FINALLY!" Elena teased me. She knows that I get easily annoyed.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed already annoyed. And right now my mom is probably going to get involved.

"Ana! Don't be rude! And Elena shut up and let Ana be." Like I predicted she involved in our little screaming time. Best thing is that Elena acts like a drama queen. I actually do have some kind of 'excuse', I'm in puberty, my hormones are crazy.

If that would work on my mom...

"Mum, she started-"

"Ana, enough" she interrupted me.

"Whatever." I muttered .

My dad took our stuff to the car. I just realized that we're going to leave our home, that I had lived here my whole life. I just can't believe that we're going to leave.

Tears have started to pile In my eyes. Mom obviously saw them, even though I didn't what her to see them.

"Honey, what's wrong?" she asked with concern in her eyes.

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