19. Chapter - I hate Mondays

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19. Chapter

I groaned out of frustration, probably sounding like a whale, while I stood up out of my bed to turn off my obnoxious alarm tone.

Ugh, I hate Mondays.

With a frown on my drool-dried face, I somehow walked limply to the bathroom, not caring for the fact that my blinds weren't on and that Ty could probably see me with my embarrassing pajamas on. Which by the way had a hole right on my ass, but oh well.

I took all my clothes off and washed all my dirtiness off. After ten minutes of just standing in my shower while the warm water soothed me and awakened me up, I concluded that it's probably the time to start getting ready for school, since I for sure didn't want to be late.

When I stepped out of my bathroom I could hear my mom ruffling downstairs probably trying to find the coffee pot. Yeah, the new kitchen was definitely too modern for her. I smiled at the thought as I opened my closet and took out my black jeans and a green flannel. Yeah, I was too lazy for the whole fashion thing. As I started putting on the concealer my phone buzzed.

It was Ty.

Be outside in ten minutes. Don't be late.xx

Wait. Isn't it too early for school. I looked at the time and my eyes widened. It was already 7:30. I definitely had to hurry up.

I quickly finished with my makeup after putting on a bit of mascara, not bothering myself with the rest. I mean, Ty should love me with or without makeup. I chuckled at that.

Quickly, I hurried out of my room, with my brown bag over my shoulder rushing down the stairs to be met with my mom and dad drinking their daily dose of caffeine.

“Good morning, mom, dad.” I tried to rush out of there before they would start asking stupid questions.

“Hey, hey!” My mom called before I could step out of the house. “Are you walking to school or what?”

“Um, Ty is driving me apparently.” My mom made a weird awing sound, which made me cringe.

“What a wonderful boy!”My mom exclaimed while my father murmured a yes, while reading the daily newspaper, obviously not giving a damn about what we or should I say she was talking about.

“Yeah mom. Bye!” Before she could say anything else I closed the door and hurried down the steps of my front yard. I saw Ty leaning on his black Harley Davidson. When he noticed me approaching, he smiled at me his breathtaking bad boy smile. Gosh he looked beautiful.

“Hey babe.” He greeted me while sanding fully on his feet adorned with his dark brown boots, so his height was towering over me even more. I got chills a bit, when his deep voice called me babe.

“Hey ho, let's go.”Of course I had to start of the weirdly. He chuckled at me, while he climbed onto his bike, handing me his helmet. I took it and put it on while climbing onto the bike myself. I had to say I didn't had so much fear as I did have the first time I rode his bike.

He drove of the sidewalk he parked his bike at and sped up. I loved the feeling of the wind ruffling my hair, while I hugged Ty's torso even tighter. The day was cloudy in the New York City.

As he drove to the school's parking lot, we of course attracted unwanted attention. My grip on Ty tightened. “Ana calm down. It's gonna be okay.” He soothed me as he parked onto his usual spot. I climbed off his Harley, and he followed. I handed him the helmet looking at the floor.

“Hey.” He took my chin in his hands and kissed me slowly, but passionately on the lips. It felt good. It soothed me a bit and relaxed me. That's what he doe to me.

“I love you, okay?” He looked me straight in the eyes, to show me that he's being totally honest with me. Which I could see clearly.

“I love you, Ty.” He smiled, as if relieved I said it back again to confirm his thoughts.

He gave me a quick peck on the lips, and hugged my shoulders with one hand while walking with me inside the walls of the hell called school.

Soon enough as we were approaching m locker, I heard the familiar obnoxiously squeaky voice. “Ty. Boo bear!”

Ugh, the stripper.

His body tensed while I groaned in frustration. “Seriously Rebecca?! In the early morning?” I asked obviously showing my annoyance towards her while Ty grinned. Cheeky bastard. “Don't you have better things to do?”

“Like what, ass face?” Oh no she didn't.

I kind of liked fighting with her. It was fun. “Like maybe practicing that slutty choreography that includes a pole. And a strip club.” My grin widened as her face turned beet red. “I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about.”

With that I walked pass her Ty following me. When we came to my locker I looked back and she was still standing there not moving, probably feeling embarrassed as fuck.

I heard Ty behind me laughing his ass off, “Babe, you looked hot as fuck over there!” He continued to laugh. “Did you see her face?!” He asked me and I laughed lightly at the memory.

“Yeah. I definitely remember.” I continued. “Boo bear!”I mocked him a bit, while he looked at me immediately with a frown on his face.

“Don't call me that, Ana.” He warned his eyes darkening a bit. Oh, did I hit a spot?

“Like what, boo bear?” I saw it in his eyes that he was fighting the urge to laugh at the sound of my now obnoxious Rebecca-like voice.

“Ugh, you're so stubborn.” He let out a sexy groan and in no time he had me pressed aginst the locker kissing the living shit out of me.

Yeah I liked that.

Whoop whoop!

So another update yaay.

I know this chapter was a bit boring but it was more of a filler chapter. I promise next one will probably have more interesting parts in it.

But yeahh, I hope ya'll enjoyed it.

VOTE if ya liked it, because you're cool.

Oh and pretty please check out my new fanfic COFFEE SHOP. I just put up a prologue so tell me whatcha think bout it.

Yeah, imma go now. School is unfortunately tomorrow and I don't wanna gooo whines like a 4 year old*

but oh well BYEEE!!

Much love, xoxo.

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