27. Chapter - The Black Doors

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I was definitely more than nervous.Terrified maybe.

The fact that I was going to an underground fight terrified me but then again made all this so much more exciting. I was a rebel. I can now say that I'm truly a motherfucking badass.

Yeah, maybe not.

I brushed a brush through my straightened damaged hair, before putting it into a loose pony tail. I felt good. I felt comfortable with Ty. Comfortable enough to go out looking like a hobo while he's in my presence.

He was truly something.

But of course my love for makeup overcame my comfortableness with him. I put on a bit of mascara, dark wine color lip stain and some concealer.

Ty said he'd be here any minute. It's almost 9 o'clock.

For the most since he was gone I stressed myself out, fearing of the fact that I was going to lie to my parents.

As much as I sometimes particularly might not have liked them, they were still my parents. But somehow I managed to make up a good enough of a lie for them to believe.

I told them that Ty and I were going on a date. I didn't lie mostly. This could be counted on as a date right?

Yeah, sure. A normal date is usually considered to see your boyfriend participate in an underground fight.

A knock on the door loud enough for me to hear made me shake off all the sarcastic thoughts going through my head. I took my brown leather bag and stormed down to the doors.

"Be back till 12 honey!" I could hear my mom yell. I murmured a grumpy 'sure' and opened our front doors.

There stood Ty in his gray sweatpants and a plain black shirt that somehow accented his muscles.

"Aren't you freezing?" I said referring to his short sleeved black tee. I mean it was the midst of February. [ I changed the time kay? I know it wasn't February before when I mentioned it but let's pretend like it was around that month this whole story.]

"Don't worry, your hotness keeps me warm." He said that sentence completely serious but I saw the look in his eyes. He was fighting his laughter.

Before he could say anything I broke down laughing. He followed soon with a laughter of his own. "Wow, Ty. Wow."

"Hey! Don't fucking mock me now little lady. I'm sure your pick up lines are nothing better." He said smiling down at me while running his hands through his hair.

"Are you sure mister?" I said challenging him with my eyes.

"Definitely." I could hear the irony hidden in his deep voice.

"Hmm, let me think." I said while locking the doors before leading the way to his parked car with him trailing behind me. "Your body is 65% water and I'm thirsty."

He laughed after I've said that. "Woah the fucking originality there."

I laughed lightly and pecked his lips gently. I entered the car, not letting him open the door for me. He just grunted and entered the car himself.

A few minutes after, the car was still adorned with silence. I of course decided to speak up.

"So, will you tell me now, who you're fighting with?" I asked gazing still onto the busy road.

"Nope" He said simply.

"You're frustrating, I hope you know that." I sighed out, frustrated by how stubborn he was being about this.



Finally, after silent 20 minutes we finally came to a stop. We were in a small alley, old brick buildings surrounding us.

He turned off the engine and got out. Before I could open the door myself, he opened them for me to which I rolled my eyes. "Now, I want you to be beside me the whole time, unless I tell you otherwise."

"sure, sure." I grunted, "I want you to know though Ty, I'm not a child."

He took my hand and gripped it tightly, "I know Ana, but I'm serious right now. This is a dangerous place. A lot of fucking idiots come here and lots of bad things can happen if you're not careful, so please just listen to me."

"Okay." Geez.

We started walking towards the old building where there were surprisingly big black doors with two bulky guards on both sides of them. This place smelled cliché.

"Right now we're gonna go there and meet the owner, he's a friend of mine, okay?" He asked looking down at me. I just nodded.

Moments after we we're in front of the doors. "Yo, Ty!" The black haired muscled guy on the left side greeted Ty, as if they were old friends. Maybe they were.

"Hey man!" Ty greeted both of them.

"Who's this beauty?" Said the dude on the right, whose bulky hands were adorned with various tattoos unlike the left black haired guy.

"She's Ana. My girlfriend." Ty said with hidden pride, which made me smile, circling his hand around my waist.

"Hey." I said a bit too silent for my liking. But hey, that was the best I could do being the awkward fuck I was.

"Man she's a keeper." Said the tattooed guy, shaking Ty lightly by the shoulder, to which Ty smiled.

"Well we gotta get going, the match's about to start soon." Ty said grabbing my hand again, "Where's the boss though?"

"He's in the meeting room, man."

Without a response, Ty hurried through the black doors and into some sort of dark hallway. You could hear the loud chattering of the crowd on the other side.

Soon enough we were in front of another black door.

Ty, without hesitation knocked and moments later they opened.

Yes, I know. I'm a horrible human.

Hope you guys enjoyed anyways.

I know this was short as fuck but it's kind of a 'filler' chapter I guess you could say.

I'm planning some major things for the next few chapters so hopefully I won't be an usual lazy fuck I am and actually write it down.

School is killing me so I'm gonna go now :)

Much love, xoxo.

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