21. Chapter- Dr. Grey

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Ty's POV

I knew exactly what hospital she would be in. The closest one.

The moment I stepped off my motorcycle I ran up to the hospital entrance. I was shaking. From fear mostly, but also anger. I needed to know who hurt her. They would fucking pay. The moment I ran to the reception I yelled.

“Where the fuck is she?” I looked around and the receptionist, a young blonde looked up at me with shock, “Where the heck is she?”

“W-who sir?” She asked confused.

“Ana Tom.” I said frustrated looking at her. Recognition flashed in her green orisis.

“Oh, she's the second floor, room 32B” Not even bothering to say goodbye I ran past the elevator, going up the stair case. Thank god that Ana was only on the second floor.

As I came to the second floor, soon enough I saw the room 32B. Not even bothering to ask if I could go in I opened the door and there she laid. My Ana.

Her eyes were closed as her breathing was even and the only sound was the machine next to her constantly beeping.

Only then when I heard a faint coughing sound I noticed her mother and father sitting there. Her mothers constant sobbing irritated me a bit. I didn't want my baby to wake up. “What happened?” I asked, gazing at Mr. Tom, since her mother was not capable of answering a question.

“She got hit with a ball in P.E and collapsed. Which is the result to her minor concussion.” He said with an unreadable expression.

“Who the heck hit her with a fucking ball?” I asked in a ushered whisper.

“Rebecca. Rebecca did.” This time Mrs. Tom answered. In that moment I wanted to punch something. Anything.

I was so pissed off. I couldn't believe that that stupid annoying excuse of a female hit my Ana with a fucking ball. Before I could think anymore, I heard a quiet whimper. Not quiet enough for me to not recognize it's Anna's. I immediately looked at her once again. Her bruised eyes slowly opened, while her hand started to run through her hair. She looked adorable in that moment no matter how bruised she looked. Before I could come up to her, hug her kiss her, anything. Her mother was by her side, holding her hand, “My baby!” She cooed, I wanted to roll my eyes for somereason. I found myself annoyed but soon reasoned myself out. She's her mother for Gods sake.

“Ugh mom, what happened?” She grumbled and groaned. I couldn't help but smile. From everything that had happened to her she still kept her little attitude.

God, I wanted to fucking kiss her.

With her free hand she rubbed her eyes, trying to adjust herself to the lighting, “Everything fucking hurts.”

“Hey, lady watch your tongue.” Her mother quickly scolded which made her roll her eyes again. God, did I love that attitude of hers, “Anyways, don't you remember anything?!” Her mother asked, and just on cue a young looking doctor, who looked around 25 years old walked into the room.

“Hey guys, I'm dr. Grey.”

Hi ya'll!

So, I knowwww that this is so fucking short, so excuse me, but it's more of like a filler chapter I guess.

I'm soooo sorry... Ugh ya'll should just shoot me.

Kay, I hope you all have a wonderful 2015. and yeah. I'm gonna go now, and sleep.

I'm tired.

Much love xoxo.

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