22. Chapter- He Got Me

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Ana's POV

He was hot. Like I mean super hot. I mean super super hot.

It left me wondering what the fuck was he doing in this shitty hospital and not at some super expensive photo shoot for Calving Klein underwear. Woah. Okay, maybe that's a bit too much for my super slow damaged brain to handle. The images in my head, like damn.

Yeah yeah I know, I should be like not thinking these things cause I have a boyfriend but a girl can imagine right? I mean it's like not thinking about Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling. Or even better Harry Styles.

That's not even possible.

I was too far deep in my sinner/fan girl thoughts that I had not noticed Dr. Grey asking me a question, instead I just stared at him like an idiot, until my mom interrupted my train of thoughts about the hot doctor.

“Ana, Dr. Grey asked you a question. Stop staring!” She scolded, which in return I rolled my eyes. She's already being her pushy and tiresome self.

“Um sorry?” I said trying to not be rude or whatever the hell I normally act like.

Dr, Grey just chuckled which obviously made my hormones go all nuts, but I tried to stay calm. Tried. “No worries Ana. I just asked if you were alright?”

I smiled a warm smile, but I probably made myself look like a disabled donkey, “Um I'm good.”

“That's good. Are you feeling any pain? Any exact area?” He asked smiling down at me and showing his pearly white teeth.

I'll show you an area. Oh gosh. “No, not really. Just some back pain, but I guess that's because of all the laying I guess.” Not that I mind really.

“Okay, then. I guess I'll leave you alone then with your family and your boyfriend.”He said, and that sent me a bit confused. Boyfriend?

I looked around the room and there was Ty, in the corner of the room watching our interaction, not looking very happy may I add.

“Yeah. Goodbye, Dr. Grey.” I said as he walked out. He waved a goodbye back at me.

“Mr. and Mrs. Tom can you leave Ana and I alone for a bit.” Ty's husky voice said from the corner while smiling a fake ass smile. But of course my parents bought it.

“Oh sure dear. We need to go to the lunch room anyways. We haven't eaten anything at all.” My mom laughed shortly before standing up and taking her black purse. Along with my father they left the room. Now, Ty and I were left. Alone. In the same room. With him looking pissed as ever.

“So, Dr. Grey, huh?” He asked, followed with a laugh. A cold one.

“Um the doctor?”

“Ana I saw the way you were looking at him. Like he was some fucking God.” His voice raised a bit, while he walked towards where I was laying. “You don't even know how close I was to beating the shit out of him.”

“He didn't do a thing, Ty.” I tried to stay calm at how close he was now. He leaned down a bit so that I could feel his breath on my face. It was his usual. Pure mint.

“I saw the way he was looking at you. You may be all bruised up, but you still look beautiful, baby. I wanted to punch him in the face for the way he looked at you. And then you baby, looking at him all doe eyed. Fuck, Ana I'm so pissed.” He finished his little ramble, and I lost my breath, you could hear that my heart pace sped up cause of the proximity of us. You could hear it by the way the beeping sped up.

His lips were so close to touch mines. Those soft pink rosy lips.

Before I could think further I pressed my lips against his. I didn't want him to think further also. I fucking love him.

“Stop worrying so much.” I murmured between the kisses. Soon I entered his mouth with my tongue. I was the one that controlled this kiss and I completely loved it. I was so lost, charmed, infused by him, I haven't even bothered with the possibility of my parents walking in on us, or anybody, really.

That's what he did to me. He made me want him so much to the point where I didn't care about where or when we were together. I didn't care.

He got me.

Voila, pretty people.

Whoop whoop early update, but I just felt so bad leaving you guys like that. And again I guess this isn't something longer also, but I kinda just wanted to put something out so that last chapter wouldn't feel so bleh ya know?

I don't even know why ya'll read this crap but oh well.

Hope ya enjoyed... And doctor Grey. Yum.

He can definitely examine me any time any day. Ookay I'm getting thirsty af.

Moving on... yeah Imma go now. Bye bitchachos.

Much love, xoxo. 

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