Chapter 12

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Just before he told me who it was he looked out the window and bit his lip. It looked like he was debating whether or not he really wanted to tell me. Whatever it was, he looked back at me and smiled very slightly. It was a smile that you would only notice if you were really paying attention to him.

"It's you Phil..." he said softly.

It took me a few moments to understand what he said. Dan was just sitting in front of me with a worried expression while I was probably

looking like a complete idiot. Great job Phil.


I shook my head, smiling. My brain had finally decided to start working and I grinned at what he had just told me. "Yes Dan?"

He raised an eyebrow. Dan looked more confused than I had felt a few moments ago. "It's your turn."

"Oh. Well I don't see the point in telling you now."

"That's not fair! You promised!"

I laughed. "It's you silly."

Dan looked down at his hands. "You're not serious."

"Of course I am! If anyone should be surprised right now, it's me."

"So. If I were to...I don't know...kiss you right now, what would you do?" he asked innocently.

"Kiss you back? Isn't that what people do?"

He nodded, still thinking about everything. I found it weird that Dan was more surprised than me. It should be the other way around. He's the popular guy. The guy that has girls following him around wherever he goes. I'm Phil. The freak. The one that generally doesn't like talking to people unless it's absolutely necessary. Dan should be freaked out that I like him and he should like some girl.

"Can I try then?"

"Try what?"

Dan rolled his eyes and shuffled over to me. "This."

Without another word Dan pushed his lips to mine and kissed me. I was a bit shocked at first and I didn't react but I quickly realized what he was doing. The kiss was exactly how I'd imagined it. Dan's lips were soft just like I thought they would be.

After what felt like hours Dan pulled away from me but let his forehead rest on mine. "So you weren't lying."

"Of course I wasn't. What's the point of lying about that?"

He shrugged, trying  to think of a good reason as to why I would lie about liking him. "I'll think of something...eventually."

"No you won't!" I said in a sing song sort of voice.

Dan hit my shoulder then moved so that he was laying down and his head was in my lap. "Am I allowed to do this now?"

"Oh my god no!" I freaked out, kidding obviously. "You just kissed me but heaven forbid you should be allowed to put your head in my lap!"

"Shut up! I don't know what you're comfortable with!"

I laughed, thinking about what I wasn't actually comfortable with at this time. There were a few things obviously but those were like...big things. "Hm...I'm up for almost anything. Almost."

He nodded, understanding what I meant by almost. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go for it."

Dan looked up into my eyes and smiled one of his adorable smiles. One of the ones where you can clearly see his dimples. "Will you...will you be my boyfriend Phil?"

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