Chapter 13

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We were only 5 minutes into the movie when I got scared. I knew something horrible was going to happen soon and I really didn't want to see it. Dan looked like he was really enjoying the film I didn't bury my nose in his shoulder like I wanted to. I don't particularly like annoying people when they're trying to watch something.

"Phil?" Dan whispered a few seconds later.


I felt an arm slide around my waist. "You're shaking like mad."

"Am I really?" I tried to stay still long enough to see if I would notice it but I felt the exact same. Maybe I'm just so used to shaking that I don't notice it anymore.

Dan laughed a bit and pulled me closer to him. "You really are...are you actually scared already?"

"Guess so...I thought I told you that I can't watch scary movies!" I cried.

"You didn't!" he kissed my forehead lightly. "We can stop watching it if you want."

I shook my head. "No! We can keep watching! I'm just a wimp."

"I feel like we should change the movie. I don't want you to be up all night because of this."

"No Dan! I'm a big boy!" I protested. That might have been a complete lie. It doesn't matter how old I get, I will always be a five year old at heart. Nothing's going to change that.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Whatever you say Philip."

From that moment on Dan completely ignored me. Something would happen, I would jump, he would smirk but continue watching. I guess he was just trying to prove that I really can't watch scary movies. By the end of it I was nearly in tears, I don't like being scared very much.

Dan pulled away from me and stretched. "Well that was a great film, wouldn't you agree Phil?"

"Yeah, yeah it was brilliant." I muttered.

"It's not late enough to go to bed yet." he sighed. Dan knew that I wasn't happy with him for ignoring me and he chose to ignore that too.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Well...we could watch another scary movie." he smiled innocently at me and waited for my reaction. Obviously he got the reaction he was hoping for.

"NO. Not another one! The first one was bad enough!"

Dan continued smiling. "So you really didn't want to watch it, did you?"

"No I really didn't. I was terrified!"

"Then why didn't you let me turn it off?" he asked curiously.

"Because it looked like you were enjoying it..." I mumbled, not wanting to look up and see his amused expression.

Dan ruffled my hair a bit and laughed. "You should have told me that you didn't like it. I've seen the Conjuring four times already. It's not like I was going to miss anything."

"Oh well. Too late for that now." I leaned into his arms and thought about what we could do. I was still terrified to I didn't really want to do anything.

"We should walk around the forest!" Dan suddenly said, making me jump. "Right now."

"But it's like half past nine..."

"Exactly! We can look at the stars!"

I buried my face into his shoulder and shrugged a bit. "I don't know if that's really a good idea..."

"Why not? We have lights and a map. We'll be as safe as we can get!"

"Fine." I gave in.

Dan jumped up excitedly and reached a hand out for me to take. I let him help me up and he dragged me towards the door.

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