Chapter 4

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A few hours later a kiss on the cheek woke me up. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Dan smiling at me.

"We still have things to do Phil." he said softly.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What do we have to do?"

"While you were sleeping I went through both of our art supplies. Out of all the things we could need...we need canvases, pencil sharpeners, and water colour paints."

I laughed. "The things that most people would have...we don't have."

"Yep. The art store also closes in an hour so we should get moving."

"Is there anything you DIDN'T get finished while I was sleeping?" I asked. It seemed like he just did everything without me. I was surprised he didn't just go to the art store by himself.

He thought for a moment. "I didn't get to make food while you were sleeping. But that doesn't matter. We need to go."

Dan jumped up and grabbed my cold hand with his warm one. He kissed me once more than grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys then went downstairs. Things went pretty quickly after that. We walked down to the store, got all of the stuff we needed then went back to Dan's house. I thought we might stop and do something more exciting, but no. Dan just wanted to get things done then go home.

"What should we have for supper?" he asked me, unlocking the front door.

"Anything you want I suppose...I'm not really hungry."

I followed him into the kitchen and watched as he opened cupboards, skimmed through their contents, then slammed them shut. "I'm just ordering pizza. Want some?"

"Oh...oh um sure." I suddenly felt very nervous. Like something bad was going to happen. The last time I felt like this, I fell out of a tree and broke my arm. I sat on the floor and just waited for Dan to come back into the kitchen.

Dan walked back into the kitchen, gave me an odd look, then sat down on a chair to wait for the pizza. A few seconds later the door bell rang. We both looked at each other in confusion. There was no way that it could be the pizza. They said about 15 minutes.

"You sit here...I'll go see who's at the door." he left to go answer the door and I continued sitting on the floor nervously.

"Jack? What are you doing here?"

"Hey mate! There's a party at Grace's house. You wanna come?" I rolled my eyes. I was getting all nervous over JACK being here to see his friend? The only bad thing that could happen is him seeing me. Which is easy enough to avoid.

I listened carefully for Dan's answer. He couldn't go with Jack. I was here still.

"Um...I can't really tonight. I have to...pack for my art trip tomorrow. I put off till the last minute again."

"Oh I'll help. I don't want you to miss this party. Grace got all of the girl's to go."

"I don't really feel up to a party. Maybe next time." I heard Dan quickly close the door.

"Phil! That was a close one."

I got up off the floor and ran over to him. I jumped into his arms and held him tightly.

"Are you alright Philly?" he asked curiously.

"That was just TOO close...what would you have done if he'd seen me?"

He smiled. "You worry too much. I would have thought of something."

Dan put me back onto the floor and went back to the kitchen. I sat down on the floor and started thinking. Just the other day I pretty much hated Dan and now we were It didn't make much sense to me.

"Why are you sitting on the floor?" Dan looked at me oddly while coming out of the kitchen.

"Because I'm thinking."

"What are you thinking about? That's a weird place to just start thinking."

I looked up at him quickly then looked back down again. "Things."

He sighed, obviously frustrated with me. "Phil. You're sitting in front of my front door. What are you thinking about?"

"You I suppose. Just a few days ago we completely hated each other and now then just this morning you kissed my cheek to wake me up. It doesn't make much sense to me."

Dan rolled his  eyes. "That's it? Of all the things you could have been thinking of..."

"So what is it? I don't get it." I was getting frustrated with him now.

"I...I guess I just like you? I mean you DID kiss me first. You can't really blame me for it."

"You could have told me not to! Why would you let me?"

"So you regret it now? Is that it?" he clearly didn't see what I was trying to say. I just wanted to know

why he ended up liking me so quickly.

"No! Not at all. I just wondered why someone like you would like someone like me so quickly..."

Dan stopped glaring immediatley. His face got soft and he had a small frown. "I realized you're the kind of person that I've always wanted to be with. We don't have anything that we disagree with...not yet anyways."

I didn't notice at first but I'd started crying.  "I...I didn't..." I stopped talking. I couldn't breathe properly because of the crying. He probably wouldn't understand what I was saying anyways.

"Come here little lion." he opened his arms and I jumped up to hug him. "It's alright Phil. I can see why you would ask something like that."

Slowly, I stopped crying and I was able to say what I had been trying to say just a few minutes ago. "I was trying to say...nobody has ever said that kind of thing to me. I was starting to think it would never happen..."

*Diiiiing doooong*

We both jumped away in a panic then started laughing. "PIZZA!"

Dan opened the door, paid for the pizza, then took it to the kitchen. I followed him, still laughing a bit.

"Alrighty. We eat our pizza then we go to bed. We have to be at the school earlier than usual because of the trip."

I sighed. "Okay...I don't like go to sleep earlier...and getting up earlier. I can barely get up at 7:30 every morning."

He grinned and passed me a plate. "You're going to have to get used to it. I get up pretty early on school days."

I took a massive bite of the pizza and tried talking again. "Oh jo-"

"Don't even TRY to talk Phil. I can't understand a word you're saying." Dan smiled a bit then also took a giant bite of pizza. In the process of biting the pizza, he managed to get pizza sauce all over his face.

Us eating dinner together would have been annoying for anyone. We were continuously laughing at each other for trying to speak, getting sauce on our face, and just anything that was even remotely funny. Clearly, we were tired.

Dan ate his last piece and yawned. "Time for bed then?"

"Yeah...I think that would be a good idea..."

I put our plates into the sink while Dan went to put his pyjama pants on. I ran up after him and put my own pyjamas on. I climbed into bed and waited for him. After a few minutes of waiting, Dan came in wearing a pair of Sonic pants. He turned off the light then laid down beside me. I wrapped my arms around him and shut my eyes.

"Goodnight Danny."

"Goodnight little lion."


Chapter 4 unlocked :D that actually took way too long to write. I need to make myself some kind of updating schedule...

Anyways. Same as always. If there's something you don't like or you want me to add something tell me in the comments and I'll try to add it ^.^

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