Chapter 8

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"What should we do now?" he asked when we finally pulled away from each other.

"I have no idea. We should see if there's any board games here!"

"Board games?"

"Yeah! Let's go look!" I jumped out of his arms and started running through all of the rooms hoping to find a cupboard full of different games. Since the teachers didn't want us to be on the internet while we were here anyways I assumed they'd given us some sort of games to play. Even if we are high school students.

I opened a closet in the hallway and saw a small stack of board games. Twister, Operation, chess, and a deck of cards. There was no way that I was playing chess so I grabbed everything but the chess board. When I went downstairs I saw Dan laying on the floor with his hands propping up his head. He looked so peaceful just laying there. I should scare him.

I quietly put the games down on the table and bent down. He didn't notice. After thinking a tiny bit about what I was going to do I reached over and grabbed his leg...causing him to jump up and knock me onto my back.

"Hello there Dan." I coughed. He was sort of choking me.

He blinked a few times then glared at me. "You just tried to scare me didn't you?"

"No I didn't try to." I smiled causing him to glare more. "I just scared you."

"It wasn't funny Philip."

I started laughing. It was actually hilarious but he didn't really see the humour. "Yes...yes it really is."

"Fine then." Dan sat on my legs and start tickling my sides. "I'll stop when you admit that it wasn't funny."

"!" I was laughing so much that my stomach hurt and there were tears pouring out of my eyes. "It wasn't funny! Stop!"

Dan grinned down at me and kissed my nose. "You see? That wasn't so hard. We all know Dan is always right."

"'We all'? There's only two of us and you're the only one that truly believes that!"

"Oh? Are you saying that you don’t take it back Philly?" Dan laughed while putting his fingers back onto my sides.

"No of course not! I-I was just saying! Ignore me!"

"I don't know if I really forgive you." he said shaking his head.

I thought quickly and pulled his down so I could kiss him. Dan's hands fell away from my sides and I smiled. "Am I forgiven?"


"That's good. Now what do you want to play?"

He shrugged. "What do we have?"

"Um Twister, Operation, and a deck of cards."

"Cards? We could play Slap Jack."

"Okay...I used to play this with my mum all the time."

I grabbed the deck and shuffled the cards quickly. I dealed out all of the cards and shuffled mine.


"I'm ready to win if that's what you're asking." Dan said crossing his legs.

"I play that you have to put the hand you're going to slap the deck with behind your back." I told him as he positioned his hand right next to the deck.


"Don't swear."

"Sorry..." he put his hand behind his back and flipped over the first card.

We went back and forth flipping cards over until... "SLAP JACK!"

Dan looked down at the deck and frowned. "Not fair. You knew what the card was."

"You're the one that put it down...and it was facing you. If anything, you knew what the card was."

He sighed and pushed me the cards. I carefully put them into my pile and continued flipping cards.

We kept playing for 20 minutes until I had every single card. Dan hadn't gotten any of the Jack's. I told him he'd lose and he did. I felt proud of myself.

"I always win..." he mumbled.

"Well I guess you don't always win then." I said. "But hey, it's only a game. I'm sure you're really good at other ones."

"I don't know what to do. It's just so hard to think of something..."

"Wanna play Operation?"

He shrugged. "I've never played it before."

"We could just take turns pulling different objects up. If you make it beep you you don't get a point."

"Alright then."

I reached behind me and grabbed Operation. We opened the box and took out the board. Dan went first and easily pulled the weird plastic piece of the man's chest.

"You know," I said while pulling a piece out. "he needs a name."

"Why does he need a name? He's a piece of paper with holes in him."

"Because he's still a person. I named Lion and he's a stuffed animal."

Dan nodded in agreement. "Okay then. What should we name him then?"

I thought for a moment before saying, "Tom."

"Why Tom?"

"I don't know. First thing I thought of." 

Dan laughed. "Tom it is."

I looked out the window. "Whoa. Look at the stars!"

He looked out too and grinned. "We should go sit outside! I know you don't like climbing trees but we should go sit in one."

"Well...okay. Please, please don't let me fall."

"Have no worries. I'll keep you safe."

Dan stood up and gave me a hand up. We went outside and found a tree to climb. He went up first, easily climbing up higher and higher, and I attempted to follow. When I finally caught up to Dan he was sitting on a sturdy branch looking up at the stars. I climbed up to that branch and sat down next to him, also looking at the beautiful stars.

We continued sitting like this until the wind started blowing. Dan slid back and wrapped his arms around the tree trunk. Before I could slide towards him and hold on...I fell. I heard Dan shout but that didn't stop me from tumbling quickly towards the ground. Just before I hit the ground...I woke up.


Can I just be the first to say.....PLOT TWIST!!!!

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