Chapter 14

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I groaned and rolled onto my stomach. The pain that I felt when I moved even the slightest bit made me regret breathing. I couldn't remember anything from the night before. All I remembered was getting tied up then getting kicked in the side of the head. Judging by the immense pain I was feeling in my side, I figured that Jack's favourite spot to hit me was somewhere on my side. That usually is where he aims. 

"Morning Phil." Dan smiled, walking into my room.

I tried sitting up so that I could seem more threatening when I told him to fuck off. Again I hissed in pain and nearly started crying. I'd always been a bit of a wimp when it came to pain but I knew better than to show any emotion. I thought that I could have trusted Dan but clearly I was wrong. I'm not making that mistake again.

"You can leave now." I told him coldly, trying to sit up without crying.

"You're really hurt love." he told me as if I didn't know. "I need to make sure that nothing's serious."

"Oh no you don't. It's your fault I'm like this!"

A look of hurt flashed across Dan's face but he covered it up with a smile. "You know that I would never want you to get hurt."

"Then why did you take me?" I shouted. His lie pissed me off so much. "Why didn't you just leave without me?"

I could tell that Dan was starting to get angry too by the way he was slowly clenching and unclenching his fists at his side. "Look. Jack got pictures He told me to bring you to him or he'd tell everyone."

I laughed sarcastically. "Of course. You'd rather see your 'boyfriend' get hurt than just let everyone know. You'd rather be popular at school. You'd rather see me on the weekends when you're sure that you won't get caught."

"It's not like that! I don't want to end up like..." he trailed off. It didn't matter though. I knew what he was going to say. He didn't want to end up like me. 

"We're finished here. You can go." I dismissed him. I looked away and slowly lied back down again. 

Even with my eyes closed, I knew that Dan was still standing there. Thinking about god knows what. In all honesty I just wanted to go home. I was afraid of being in the middle of a forest with Dan. I should have known that nothing good would happen. 

"Phil I didn't mean that." he tried to defend himself.

"You've said enough Daniel." I cut him off, not caring. "Just go away. Don't talk to me. Ever."

I clenched my eyes shut, knowing that if I didn't they would open and I would see the look of hurt on Dan's face. If I saw that sad puppy look on his face I would give in and forgive him. That's not something that I wanted to do. At all. 

"I really am sorry Phil..." he muttered. Then I heard the door shut and his footsteps walking away. 

I let out a breath that I didn't know that I was holding and started crying. Silently letting tears stream down my face, not bothering to wipe them away. There was nobody that could judge me for them now. I'd forced Dan to leave me. 

I cried for a good ten minutes before I remembered all the injuries that I'd yet to look at. I held my breath and lifted my shirt up. I cringed at the way that tiny pieces of my shirt stuck to cuts while I pulled it up. Once my shirt was rolled up to my neck, I looked down and nearly started crying again. The bruises and cuts that I'd gotten the night before were the worst that I'd ever gotten.

On my right side there was a huge, purple, bruise trailing from the bottom of my rib cage to my hip. The softer parts of skin were a bit darker, clearly showing that Jack enjoyed kicking me there. Running across my chest was a long red line that looked like a mix of a burn and a cut. My left hip bore the worst things of all. Trailing across it were words that I don't even want to repeat. They were cut into my skin and I knew that I would be stuck with those words until I died. Or until I had them surgically removed (you can have scars removed...right?)

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