Chapter 5

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Early the next morning Dan's alarm woke us up. Dan groaned and sat up.

"Do you want to shower first or shall I?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

I rolled over so that my face was buried in my pillow. "I don't care...."

"Fine. You go have toast or cereal or something...I'm having a shower."

I sat up, stretched, and started to leave the room. "Be quiet though! My parents and my brother are home now..."

"Sure...sure..." I yawned and went downstairs to the kitchen. Cereal sounded good so I opened the cupboards, grabbed lucky charms, a bowl, a spoon, then got the milk from the fridge. Putting everything on the table, I made my food and sat down to eat it.

15 minutes later Dan came downstairs wearing a light blue shirt and his usual black skinny jeans. He sat across from me and made himself a bowl of cereal.

"We'll leave whenever you're done having a shower." he told me.

"Okay! I'll go now then." I said happily. I put my bowl in the sink and went to have a shower.

20 minutes later I went downstairs and saw Dan sitting in front of the door waiting with our bags. I smiled and ran over to hug him.

"You ready to go Philly?" he asked.

I grinned. "Yup!"

Dan stood up, picked up all of his bags. "Let's go then."

I picked up my own bags and followed Dan out of the house. During the walk to school we were thinking of things that we could do and make while on our trip.

"You could sit in a tree and I'll draw you!" he laughed.

"There's no way you could get me to climb a tree! Maybe you should be the one that has to climb." I grinned.

"Alright alright, no tree. We could draw a sunset. That would be pretty." Dan smiled a bit, probably thinking about what he could use to draw his sunset.

All too soon, the school came into view. When I stopped walking Dan turned around and gave me a confused look.

"Are you coming?"

"Yeah...but you should go first. It wouldn't end well if someone saw us walking together." I shuddered, thinking of what could happen if somenoe saw me walking with Dan.

Dan reached out and grabbed my hand. "Come on Phil. I don't care who sees us walking together. I like you a lot more than I like any of them."

I held onto his hand tightly and we made our way into the school. I slowly go more comfortable walking through the school with Dan...until we ran into Jack and his friends.

"Dan! What are you doing with him?" Jack asked, glaring at me.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm walking with him."

"Come on Dan, you and I both know that you don't even like him."

Dan rolled his eyes. "You do know that "he" has a name, right?"

Jack laughed. "You say that like I'm supposed to care. I'm not friends with him so I don't care about knowing his name. Now let's go Dan, enough hanging around with him."

I tried to pull my hand away from Dan but he just held on tighter. "No, I think I'll stay here."

This time Grace decided to speak up. "Dan don't argue with Jack about this. Just come on."

"No, we have places to be. See you around!" he called, turning around and pulling me down the hall.

Usually I would have science first thing in the morning but since we were going on a trip today, we had to go straight down to the art room.

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