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do you still love me?
Sent 17:18(!)

why do I feel like you still
love me? Am I insane?
Sent 17:18(!)


• author p.o.v •

the cold refreshing air blew onto her face as she opened the door of the cafe. she had practice later in an hour, so she had decided to get a morning coffee to recharge herself.

“hi, what's your order?” a cashier which looks like is around her age asked with a warm smile. “an medium ice americano please.” she replied and smiled back but her smile was hidden by her mask she was currently wearing to disguise her identity.

she got her coffee and headed out of the cafe as she made her way to her entertainment. she decided to walk through the small alley since it would shorten the trip.

but as she walked, footsteps could be heard behind her. it had creeped her out, she tried to walk faster, but the footsteps had also became faster. her body was shivering lightly, her grip on her coffee became stronger. she was nervous, scared, all sorts of emotions could be felt in this situation.

“ahh!” she screamed but her scream had turn out barely audible as her mouth was covered by a hand, a man's hand. “shhh! quiet down, it's me jungkook.” he whispered.

she immediately quiet down, curiosity flowed through her mind, “what's happening?” she thought. her heart was beating furiously by the touch of his skin on hers and his breaths which could be felt.

they continued to hide behind a wall, but after awhile, another voice could be heard. “sir, i lost her. i don't see her anymore.” “im so sorry sir, I'll succeed the next time, I'll catch that kim yerim.” her eyes widen when that mischievous guy finished his sentence,“he wanted to kidnap me?” she muttered in an inaudible voice.

his footsteps slowly became softer and once nothing could be heard, jungkook released his hands from her mouth. yerim remained quiet, she was extremely afraid, this was her first time in this kind of situation, she did not know what to do next.

“yeri-ah...don't worry, it would be alright.” jungkook comforted as he patted her back.

“but...he wanted to kidnap me...” she managed to say, in a soft voice which was near to a whisper.

“it's alright, just make sure not to go out alone for the moment.” he says, taking out a tissue and gently wipeing the sweat formed on her forehead.

“where are you heading now?” he asked, sipping into his own ice americano. “to my entertainment.” she answers, her voice still slightly shaky.

“I'll take you there.” he simply said. her heart rate fastened, hopes rose as well,“maybe, just maybe, he still have feelings for me?” she thought, a little suspicious about his behaviour.

“aren't you busy?”

“yeah but it's okay, your safety is more important.” he indicated. her heart was about to explode any sooner and her mind was confused. “why keep confusing me?” she asked in her mind, she just wished she had the courage to ask him.



hey walked side by side, with their hands constantly brushing against each other. she had the urge to hold his hand, but was just too timid to do so. just then, they had to walk through the crowded wet market to get to their destination. jungkook held his hand firmly onto hers and pulled her along with him.

yerim's eyes widen a little out of shock.  never did she expected that to happen. as they walked together hand in hand in silence, a wide smile was formed on her face as she stared at their intertwined hands. their hands fitted together as if it was missing puzzle pieces which was perfectly connected to each other. his slightly big hand made her feel protected and the warmth from his hands made her feel warm and loved for some reason.

sadly, the trip across the wet market was shorter than she desired. but it was better than nothing. he instantly let go of his hands, releasing her hands. she felt disappointed, not only about his hands entwined from hers but also about their relationship now. they were awkward with each other, they weren't like before, when they were lovey dovey, holding hands were a normal thing to them in the past,  where their hands immediately looked for each others as soon as they met. but now, they were as if they had went back to stage one, holding hands was a big deal, it made her heart flutter although it was not a intense skinship.

“we've reached.” he tapped on her shoulders as he spoke. her deep thoughts drove her away once again. “that was quicker than I thought.” she muttered, feeling devastated, she wanted this moment to last for a longer period of time. but reality had to call her back.

“oh, thank you for today. thanks for saving me from nearly getting kidnap. bye.” she bowed and turned around to leave. but she heard him murmuring softly, “welcome, bye.” before she turned around.

as soon as she reached into her entertainment, she threw herself onto the courch right in front of the information counter, sipping into her coffee which was not as cold anymore.

“still left 7 minutes till practice starts, more than enough time for me to rest.” she muttered after she had glanced on the time displayed on her watch.

“my heart and mind is in such mess now. im so confused. why is he being so sweet? what does this mean?”

“jeon jungkook, why are you giving me so much hopes, making me think you still have feelings for me, it terrifies me. it makes me afraid, im afraid that what I feel now may not be true. what if this was just an act out of kindness and not because you still have those special feelings for me.”

updateee again:) I'll try to update soon again. I'm sad, I'm sad that this book is ending soon and my holidays are ending soon. My holidays will be ending next week. damnn, am not ready to be back to hell. plus I've decided to soon publish a new book soon, but it won't be the book I talked about on the last chaps a/n but another one which I'll have more time to update, it will be a series too.

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