Chapter Two

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Oh yeah!! That's logan aka Chace Crawford

Chapter Two...


I watched the way the new girl chewed on her bottom lip-- almost too hard, making me think if she would split the sensitive skin of it. She then tugged at the long sleeves of her grey hoodie which was definitely two sizes bigger for her skinny frame. It really felt as if the hoodie was hung on a skeleton. Her bones were too flashy-- almost popping out of her skin.

And I got this sudden urge to grab her and get her to eat everything until she got some meat on those bones. Guess, my best friend's mom had finally got to me over the years. Abe's mom always made sure I ate when I entered and was more than full by the time I left his house.

I just couldn't stop gazing at her. There was this magnetic pull my eyes felt towards her, which I didn't quite understand. Her long auburn hair reached to the middle of her back. They were beautiful shade of red and brown and seemed damp as if she'd just stepped out of the shower. But she still got them at the back of her head in a low ponytail, leaving couple of strands which fell short to get in her hairtie.

Her faded blue jeans looked kinda worn-too-much type and so did her dusty black boots. Her hoodie seemed like it had seen once upon a time good days.

I wanted to get up and give her my jacket. She clearly was cold.

I heaved a deep breath. I had never examined a girl like that before. She was first.Yes, I'd checked out a lot of girls in the past but... what I was doing with new girl, felt different. Because I wasn't sizing up her tits or ass. 

I was almost shocked to see that she didn't have any ounce of makeup on her face. Which if you ask me should be the next huge breaking news of Golden Valley. Girls in this town did not even sleep without makeup.

She was definitely not from anywhere around here. But, something about her made me want to help her. Protect her. Help her ease the tension around her. She was clearly anxious, playing with the hem of her sleeves like that.

So I did what any sane person-- or maybe not entirely sane considering all the precious reputation thing-- would do. I stood up and cleared my throat when I realized she was not doing good with all the eyes strained on her.

"Hi. I'm Logan and I play basketball. I was born and bread right in this little town. And we all welcome you here." I said the lamest introduction and suddenly felt the need to kick myself in the groin. We all welcome you here? Jeez!

She might never talk to me after this.

But, when I saw her shoulders relaxing and her hands going back by her side, I fought a smile, ignoring all the eyes on me. I had to do this. For her.

I hoped it might even bring a smile on her face. But, it did not, but at least she heaved a sigh she must be holding back.

Another voice came, "I'm Abhay. Everyone calls me Abe-- usually because Abhay is a Hindi name considering my parents are from India-- and it's slightly tough to pronounce it correctly. And I'm that assh-- Logan's best friend and I've beaten his ass in basketball more times I can count." Abe was sitting across the aisle from me. We usually sit together but, when I saw her in my class, I just couldn't stop myself. I had to be near her.

I laughed along with many in the class, and shot him a Thankyou nod and he mouthed me back a No Problem, Dude.

Just then a very soft almost above a whisper voice reached my ear and I shivered. My eyes snapped to hers. She was looking at the floor, again tugging at her sleeves. I wanted to rush at her side and hold her hands, lacing my fingers through hers. It was so stupid but, I really wanted to do that. I wanted to comfort her.

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