Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Logan parked the car couple of houses down from where the party was being held. It was a huge house and cars lined the driveway and the entire street. It was crazy out there.

Case's exhilaration had started to seep into me too because my heart was thudding so deliriously in my chest. She jumped out of the car so fast that I hadn't even finished blinking. Next left Abe who I think said something about not leaving her side tonight.

And I could tell he was really serious. It was about time anyway. If you know what I meant. I was no expert but it had started to get really hot every time those two were in the close vicinity of each other.

Then it was just me and Logan. He'd taken my breath away when I saw him stand at Case's door earlier. The way his golden hair innocently fell over his forehead, made my fingers tingle like crazy. I didn't know what exactly was wrong with me.

I took a breath and got out next. I saw Logan stutter out a breath of his own. Was he nervous?

But, why?

Could it have anything to do with Amanda?

She was going to be here and Casey told me earlier how well she'd taken her suspension. Sarcasm to be duly noted.

A shudder ran through me, causing me to wrap my arms around me. The chilly air seemed to brutally pick at my slightly visible legs from beneath the long black coat, Case gave me. She'd worn the same too.

A shiver ran through my body, giving me goosebumps. At first I thought it was because of the cold, but then Logan fell in steps beside me, his hand reaching for mine, and I knew why I'd shivered.

He slowly laced his fingers with mine and I trembled so violently that he almost laughed out loud at that. Our hands were cold but together I didn't care.

Warmth was forming between our joined palms and I loved the feeling of it.

His smile was back and that relieved me a little. I didn't like the broody Logan with ice in his eyes for me. It was hurting me in ways I didn't know I could hurt. Suddenly he'd become far too important to me than I ever wanted him to.

But his smile didn't brighten and sparkled his beautiful eyes like before so I knew it wasn't the real one.

He was faking it.

And I hated it.

I looked away from his gorgeous grays and down at the concrete. As we moved, so did his grip on my hand, which tightened. The fog was thick around us. Whenever I'd opened my mouth even a slightest, it felt like I'd just smoked and was blowing the smoke out. Funny.

"So... Quin would be waiting for you outside or you'll have to go find him inside?"

Why the hell were we talking about Quin?



Yeah... my date. Yes.

I couldn't believe I literally forgot about Quin and our date. I didn't think you could forget about your first date before it's even happened.


I was awful at this. This maybe was a terrible idea.

It's my first date and I wasn't even animated or anxious about it. Because all I could think about was the golden boy holding my hand and walking with me right now in this bitter cold, like he cared, like he wanted to hold me and never let me go...

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