Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

When we walked out of the kitchen, this definitely wasn't what I had in mind. I thought we'd all get out of here with no more drama on our hands and then go for a drive or something. I liked riding with Logan. And Case and Abe. They were what I had close to a real family after all.

But, this wasn't what I expected at all.

Jesus should have given me a moment to breathe first!

There stood Amanda with her minions secured behind her with their hands on their hips and scowls plastered on their faces as if copying her-- and two well-built guys at her sides-- who I could tell most definitely weren't from our school. I might be the quiet one in the whole school but I did have eyes you know.

In that moment, Logan's grip on my hand tightened, causing me to gaze up at him. His jaw was set hard, a nerve throbbing in there, and a small crease brushed his forehead as he narrowed his eyes probably towards the guys.

"What the hell is all this, Amanda? We were just leaving. We don't want any more drama. I think I've had enough for tonight." His voice was firm and absolutely not up for discussion. But, Jesus, did that sent my heart spiraling-- watching him all macho and angry.

There was definitely something wrong with me.

I nodded to Logan's statement. Not that anyone spared a glance at me.

I was sober enough to know the extent of the tension in the air around us. I could slice it into pieces if I had a knife. The music was lowered to almost background noise-- probably for the people around us to get the full dramatic feeling. All they needed was popcorn. Heck! I was feeling like I should run and get some for myself, but something told me I wouldn't be able to get out of this room unscathed.

If I wasn't drunk right now I would be freaking out, major time. But right now even with little remaining alcohol rushing through my veins, I was feeling exhilarated.

Not good.

I squeezed Logan's hand and he squeezed mine right back in assurance.

"Not so soon, Andrews. You see my beautiful friend here told me how you broke her heart and humiliated her. And honestly, I'm just trying to fulfill my duty as a good friend you know..." The guy-- standing on the right of Amanda-- with long curly brown hair cracked his knuckles and smirked, evilly.

Logan took a step forward, not intimidated by his big built, still holding onto my hand. "If I were you, I won't do anything I might regret in the morning. So let's just get real and move away."

The other guy with bald head and piercing in his ears and lip laughed. "Not happening dude."

I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat. Okay, it just went from elating to freaky!

"And you!" Amanda pointed her perfect long pointy nail at me. "You're not gonna get away easy this time! Because of you, I got suspended! You threw the drink at me intentionally and I know that so don't bother denying!!" She yelled, her face beet-red.

I felt bad for her. Not.

I smiled. "First, you had it coming. And second, I didn't do it on purpose! God! Are you deaf or dumb? Or maybe both? Unable to understand things as they are. You should go and see a doctor."

Suddenly the crowd erupted in loud cheer and holler, some whistling and some laughing.

Shit! What the hell was that?

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