Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"Where are we going?" Casey asked, poking her head in between Logan and my seat. I'd insisted her to ride shotgun but she shoved me in, scrunching her nose.

Abe grabbed her and pulled her back, and instead poked his head in between , "Can we stop to grab something first? I'm starving, man."

Logan laughed, pressing his palm on his face and shoving him back. "When are you not?!"

"Fucker! If I die hungry, I will come back and haunt you forever."

We all laughed at that.

"Now I don't want that."

He pulled over in the parking lot of a quiet departmental store.

We all got out of the car and Abe playfully punched his shoulder with Logan's. "Race?"

And then both of them were sprinting towards the double glass doors.

Casey laughed while I simply savored the moment.

I took a minute. I wasn't alone anymore. I'd friends. Way better than I'd read in those rom-coms.

Casey grabbed my hand and somehow half toppling and half running led me in the store.

Abe came around and draped his arm over my shoulder. His strong cologne filled my lungs. Definitely too strong. "Well, am I getting a kiss?"

Logan smacked him and pulled him in a headlock. "I'm the one who won asshole. If anyone is getting kissed, that will be me."

And I blushed so hard that I had to looked away, too afraid someone would notice. Suddenly my sweater felt too much, my skin was scorching. I tugged at my sleeve. "Right Aubrey?" I glanced up at Logan smirking at me.

"Let me go asshole." Abe freed himself and punched Logan on the chest. Which made me wince even though Logan didn't even blink at it only laughed.

Abe grabbed Casey's hand and yelled, "Whoever finds the Whipped cream first gets the first spray."

And then they were sprinting around. Honestly, it seemed like something they usually did. But, it was a first for me. And I was absolutely baffled.

The tall, blonde, lanky manager of the store eyed us suspiciously and kept on glaring at us from where he sat behind a desk.

When I glanced back, Logan was running back towards me. Huffing, he muttered, "C'mon!" and grabbed my hand while taking off yet again.

The floor was marbled and it was slippery and my boots kept slipping but Logan's grip was tight enough to hold me still.

We rushed from aisle after aisle. Looking up, down, right, and left.

It was a huge store!

I spotted a purple little monkey and smiled at it, halting a second to admire it's funny stature. "Aubrey!" I heard Logan yell, when I realized I was holding him off as well.

"Coming!" I skidded towards him and grabbed his outstretched hand. It was warm and comfortable and made my body tremble.

Then we heard Abe shout, "FOUND IT FUCKERS!"

It was hilarious, the way how Logan and Abe took it seriously. I laughed but, Logan seemed horrified at that. I had no idea what the buzz was all about.

What the hell was he going to do with Whipped cream anyway?

"Can we run fast enough to get out and take the car, leaving them here?" Logan asked, running his hand through his messy hair.

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