Chapter Twenty Seven

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Another UPDATE!! Yeah!

*Personal Note- Guys, I myself am so attached to Aubrey, Logan, Case, and Abe that I don't even know if I'd be able to let them go. But... that's a far away concern, for now, I'm relishing in their beautiful lives. Thank you for being a part of it. I really hope you guys like this chapter:)

Happy Reading!

Chapter Twenty Seven...

Monday morning couldn't have come any sooner. I woke up at five o clock and was done with my shower, dressing up, cleaning the house, and preparing breakfast by 6:30. For once I was happy doing all the chores. Not because I liked it or enjoyed it.

But because the sooner I'd be done with it, the sooner I'd be able to see him. 


He had become the best part of my every single day. The ray of hope. The light in my darkness. Call it whatever you want. It made me both run to him and run away from him. Because eventually, when he'd leave, it would hurt. A lot.

I shook my head of those thoughts and took a deep breath. I couldn't think about that right now. I would take whatever he'd be willing to give me for now. If it meant car rides and coffees and school terrace study sessions, I would take them with open arms.

Today, we'd an early morning terrace study session and as usual, Abe wasn't gonna come. He just wasn't a morning person. And recently Logan told me about talking to Mr. Hastings about doing his project with me and Abe both instead of Amanda. Not that she ever did anything other than file or paint her nails.

The moments from the other night kept replaying in my head. The fights we got into at the party. Abe and Case finally got together. Logan saw my bruise. He knows about mom. I really told him about my mother.

I told him about my mother!

I gobbled down another spoonful of my now soggy cereal and quietly chewed it, my head already feeling a little throb in the temples from not being able to get enough sleep. I jumped off the chair and put the cereal in the fridge. I was in knots for some reason and just lost my appetite.

I glanced back at my father's door and a smile appeared. He wasn't back yet and who knew when he would be arriving from wherever he'd gone. I swallowed the bile in the back of my throat and licked my dry lips. I was alone and freedom was still something I could taste a little bit more.

I heaved a deep breath and expelled it out slowly. I wanted to take advantage of his absence and tear everything apart in this house to find any trace which could lead me to my sister. But, I had done that already. Whatever he had on her, was definitely not in the house. I couldn't give up though. Not now, not ever.

Sucking a breath, I grabbed my schoolbag from the counter and fished out 70% of the money I had earned this week from my jeans pocket, putting it on the coffee table, knowing he would want them when he'd be back probably in the evening and left.

It was freezing outside. The trees around were shredded of their warmth. Slightly grey clouds hovered above me, making me think if I should run back and get myself an umbrella. It did look like it was going to rain but then this town was full of surprises. But I brushed the thought away and kept my slow pace, carefully treading through the extra snow here and there.

I was glad I'd worn a hoodie topping it with my pale yellow warm cardigan. A horn barked beside me, catching me off guard and I almost slipped. Almost.

I glared back and immediately, softened my gaze. Warmth pooled inside my belly.

Logan climbed out the car, looking as hot as hotness comes. The round neck black cardigan hugged him tight, showcasing his perfectly toned torso, and the dark jeans hung low on his waist. I felt his eyes bore into mine and I snapped my gaze up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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