Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty-five

Sometime around 6'o clock, I heard Case yell-whisper curses and then she kicked my leg instead of whoever she was yelling on. Our legs were all tangled up. Abe chuckled.

I groaned and rolled over somehow managing to force my eyes open since they were resisting their best at the moment. I stirred Case's arm and she rolled over, her eyes red and heavy with sleep, her mouth opened to say something when it dawned on me that someone was behind me because an arm was draped over my stomach.

Without thinking I twisted around and my jaw fell ajar. Logan was lying face down on the bed beside me. I had no reconciliation of going to sleep like this. I remembered that when Case and Abe came in with video games, they noticed the look on my face and didn't give up nudging until I'd to tell them what was wrong-- emotionally blackmailed me into pouring it all out. Their concern and worry touched my heart and I told them about my mom. But not how she died. The talk ended soon and to cheer me up they even let me win few of the Taken matches.

Then we were all playing and eating and later watching movies. No sooner than 5:30 we started to feel exhausted. Maybe it was then when we all just laid down in the same positions we were sitting. That explained this...

My heart swirled inside my chest, jumping and dancing. His golden strands quietly rested over his forehead, his thick long lashes taunting my fingers. His t-shirt has ridden up a little showing off the smooth skin of his back. I licked my lips and tore my eyes off of his bare skin because it was suddenly pooling heat in my belly and I didn't know if I liked the feeling.

His arm was around me, his fingers on my skin.

Wait.... WHAT?

I swallowed the bile and shut my eyes, biting hard on my lip. My breathing became frantic as i thought of what I just saw. My own hoodie had twisted up towards my navel. His fingers resting on my bare belly.

What should I do? Ugh!

"Jesus Abe! Get out of my room." Case yelled, startling the crap out of me.

My heart was now throbbing in my throat, thanks to Case.

"Fine, whatever. You're such a pain in the ass."

"And you're the biggest jerkface ever!" I rolled my eyes at them. It was frigging 8 in the morning for Christ's sake!

I felt Abe struggling to get off the bed and then he did with a thud on the floor. Case giggled and I bet she got smacked because then he was laughing.

They were so annoyingly cute.

Suddenly, before I could process it, Abe rushed to our side, grabbed Logan's legs and pulled him off the bed and he landed down on the floor with a yelp.

He shot upright and his eyes found mine, for a second I thought I saw panic in those gorgeous grays but then he snapped his head towards Abe and roared with raw anger which almost made me bent over with laughter. With one swift motion, he grasped Abe's ankle and next thing we knew, Abe was crying out loud and cursing all the colorful magical words in each and every language he knew at Logan who only laughed with most beautiful angelic voice.

Okay, maybe I needed to sleep off whatever I was feeling for Logan because c'mon, 'beautiful angelic voice'? Oh god.

Case and I just couldn't hold it together and started to roar with laughter. Logan smiled at me and rubbed his eyes. Adorable much?

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