Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten...


As expected Logan and Abe wasn't again present in English and Hasting showed concern for me-- for my grades-- and the course which I had to fast catch up to. But, I reassured him telling him about what little we'd already started for the project and also about the after school study sessions.

He looked really relieved and content and then resumed with taking questions from the inquisitive students around him about this whole project thing.

I licked my lips and I still could feel the taste of most amazing hot chocolate I'd ever had. No matter what, this morning I was really happy to seem him. It was raining and frigging freezing cold. My bones were chilled to a point they had started to ache and the cold was literally hurting my skin. I wasn't able to feel my hands and it terrified me.

So yeah... he'd saved my life twice now.

But, I was putting his in danger. For which I hated myself.

Tears stung at my eyes but, I held them back.

Just then I felt someone towering my desk. I looked up and saw Amanda evilly smiling down at me. I shuddered when I saw the evil glint in her big bluey eyes. What does she want now?

Casey's words about her being a Vampire echoed in my head and I suppressed my laughter. "Uh...Shove!" She muttered waving her perfectly yellow painted nails at me.

I rolled my eyes and gave her a little bit of space to sit with me-- considering it's a desk for only one!

"Hi! I just wanted to know a couple things. Won't take long, I promise."

I failed to smile at her. But, I nodded anyway. Her grin grew. Upclose, her cakey makeup made me gag.

"Are you and Logan an item or something?"

My jaw fell on the ground. "N-no!!" I almost panicked at that. Why the hell would she think that?

"Good lord! That's a relief. No offense... it's just we'd been together for so long and we just had a fight before you joined the school. Eventually he'll come around. He always does." She huffed, scooting towards me and throwing me closer to the edge, I was already half way down. With one more scoot, I would've been right there on the floor liking dirt. I gripped the table with my hand tightly, refraining myself from falling.

Her words stung at my heart and I tried my mind to not dwell on it but, my heart was already pierced by them.

Now, I knew what made him sudden tense around her. I didn't know why but, it made me furious and upset at the same time. I'd known him only for two days and yet it felt like. . . GOD NO, AUBREY!!

"Now, are you going to the Homecoming Dance?" Her annoyingly sugar coated voice snapped me back to reality.

I shook my head at her, hoping she wouldn't pick anything from my suddenly gloomy expressions.

She sneered, her eyes twinkling, "My my... I need two good hands to serve around and yours are just perfect. If you do this... I'll get you extra credit in History, English and one more subject of your choice. What you say?"

I glared at her with my eyes wide. Totally in disbelief of what she just said. What the hell? Extra credit in three subjects only by serving in a stupid party for a night? Hell yeah!

That would increase my GPA and maybe... just maybe I would be able to think about college.

I smiled. "Of course. Thanks."

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