Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty...

I grabbed the dirty empty plates which the last of the customers left on the table and walked into the clean and small but perfect size kitchen. I took the dishes to the extremely short raven-haired girl who usually worked shifts with me.

She smiled, taking the plates and sighed.

For the night shift, I only worked with Fiona. I served and cleaned the tables while she washed the dishes and sometimes took care of other little things at the bakery. And working was easy with fewer people here, considering the place wasn't big or anything.

Casey's loud laugh rang in the place, making me smile. After she brought me here, she refused to leave, yammering about having no plans for the night and how she'd feel all lonely in the house. So she stayed with me and while I worked she chatted with her aunt.

"You're almost done?" Fiona asked and I nodded. It was 10:30 and we didn't have many incomings tonight.

"You?" I asked.

She smiled, cleansed the last plate, washed her hands and sighed. "Done."

"I'll see you tomorrow." She untied her apron and made a fresh ponytail. She grabbed some blush and lipstick from her bag and readied herself to leave to have some fun.

She's nineteen, sophomore in a local community college, and loved to go dancing every weekend. Tonight though, she's going to meet this guy she told me about last time. I think his name was Venice.

"Tomorrow." I smiled. We both worked TWT, which meant only one more day of work this week.

I went into Carol's small box like an office towards the back of the bakery. They both ushered me inside, smiling, and then not wasting more time we opened the pastries which Carol prepared for tastings. She loved experimenting with flavors.

Carol laughed and spoke, "Warning kid- Eat at your own risk."

We laughed and unwrapped them when the Bell at the main door chimed, echoing a little. We weren't officially off yet.

I sighed. "Duty calls."

I glared at Casey. "Do not dare eat mine."

She stuck her tongue at me and I laughed.

Walking out, I was only halfway through the hallway when my heart suddenly stopped beating. My stomach felt funny and my knees went weak. Air left me.

More like my feet did but, my poor heart absolutely toppled over.

I smiled, as Abe passed high-fiving with me and headed straight for the office. Looked like he knew the place well enough too.

"Logan..." I didn't know why I said that but, I did.

His face remained stoned, not giving away anything. He appeared to be... ferocious? But, why?

I stepped closer, fidgetting with my hands, "You want something to eat? My treat, remember?"

He didn't smile or smirked and I was already missing that side of him.

What was going on?

I swallowed the lump and sat down on the nearby chair. Quietly, he took the chair across from me and ran a hand through his already messed up hair.

He looked like he could sleep at any moment.

Even from my seat, I felt his anger seeping into me and his cologne filled my lungs, somehow relaxing me.

"You know ..." I whispered. And I could tell he did. He knew about Quin and that I had agreed to go out with him.

"He's an asshole." He stated, not even blinking. It was unnerving, the way he stared at me. So deep and intense. His eyes searched something in mine. Heat took permanent residency on my cheeks and I had to look away from his intense scrutiny.

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