Chapter Eleven

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to an amazing person DoctorDeanMoriarty. Thank you so much for all the love<3. Did I tell you you're amazing. Oh yes! You are.


Chapter Eleven...

"Oh my gosh!!!" Casey shrieked, snapping me out of my daze.

We'd been in the mall for over an hour and she still hadn't found anything for herself. I didn't get it though. There was like... sooo many things. And to me everything was beautiful, I would never be able to choose.

And the mall... it's like a small town in itself. Beautiful. It was like this huge place where I could get lost-- or maybe not. No matter how pathetic it sounded but, I had never stepped in a place like this. Like ever. I barely ever shopped!

So to me this place was like a gorgeous castle.

It's ginormous with so many people and stores and and loud.

You name whatever you want and you'll probably find it here.

"This is definitely it!" She bounced on her feet, animatedly. I gazed at her and the dress she was holding out to herself. It was really beautiful.

I laughed and she grabbed me in a twirl. We laughed like two little girls.

"You should buy something too." And my smile vanished.

I shook my head, looking away from her. "I've this closet full of clothes. My dad would kill me if I'll buy one more dress." I lied. By now I'd perfected the art of lying. It hurt to lie but what was I supposed to tell her?

Casey looked at me skeptically and then shrieked again.

Damn! She yells a lot.

I turned around to see the saleslady had just put a sign of Buy one and get one free on a particular section of casual clothes and couple of dresses.

Casey must have followed my gaze because she looped her arm with mine and dragged to that very particular section in the back.

"C'mon! Now your dad won't kill you." She teased.

Did I just smiled?

Yeah I did.

Most of the crowd in the store quickly got attracted to where we stood rummaging from racks of clothes. Casey seemed really quick at picking things out because I was so confused and shocked and frozen as to what to pick. There were so many cute colors and different styles. And I was very new at it.

I'd never shopped before. It felt like the whole world had crashed onto my shoulders in that moment.

"Hey! I saw that first." Casey grabbed the dress shirt from the raven haired girl beside her. The stranger gave Casey an evil look and then stomped away.

I laughed at her, shaking my head. I could definitely take some pointer from her.

She smiled, sheepishly and we walked to the trial rooms, with her both arms full of clothes. "I had to come shop for some clothes anyway." She shrugged, as of she just didn't buy me a whole closet.

I shook my head at her.

Then we both tried on all the clothes, which I hated because it was excruciatingly exhausting. When I'd pulled on the last hoodie, my body was drained of any energy whatsoever.

It was gray and bright orange with full sleeves and reached just below my butt. It wasn't too size big like the other two pair of clothes I owned. It made me slightly conscious but, it looked cute.

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