Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven...

Some bruises are not meant to heal.

I'd almost forgot about the agonizing bruise on my back until I stumbled and my back hit the wall behind me. Tears immediately swelled in my eyes and I balled my hands out of reaction.

Slowly, I moved away from the wall, biting on my lip and trying my best to not let the tears win.

I took a deep breath and then one more.

Thank god there wasn't a soul to witness yet another great stunt of my clumsiness.

Maybe I should've looked at it after all.

It was Lunch and everyone was either at the Cafeteria or at the large playground of the school. No one was allowed to leave the premises during school hours until there was an emergency and the receptionist or any other teacher had issued you a red slip.

And I was in much need of that slip. But, then how would I explain them the bruise of a belt he'd hit me with. What about the the other scars on my back? I couldn't. I had to manage somehow.

I took a deep breath and picked up my fallen books and clutched them tightly to my chest.

I reached my locker a little late because I'd been waiting for the hallways to get clear. I was realizing that I wasn't really good with a lot people around me while they whisper and laugh staring at me. Not what I wanted to experience. In the books which I'd read, all this seemed so easy but when you're in that girl's shoes who gets laughed at... trust me there's nothing to read.

I gasped inwardly just as I turned reached the last stair. What was it with everyone today?

I was aghast to see Abe standing by my locker with Casey tucked under his arm like they were bros. Abe was saying something and she laughed, so loud. It was the kind of laugh I'd never experienced myself. The carefree, unafraid, beautiful, and happy laugh.

The way they looked at each other and smiled at each other told me maybe... just maybe my mom was wrong and love really does exist?

Or maybe not.

I hurried towards them-- not really to them-- they were leaning at the locker next to mine, which was Logan's. Their eyes found me and I immediately looked away-- almost mortified. Considering how rude I was to them yesterday.

I swallowed the guilty lump which formed at the back of my throat and could feel Casey's stare heating on my face, but I didn't look. I wanted to run away from her for being a bitch to her and also apologize to her at the same time.

My life was really starting to mess up or maybe untangle?

I shoved my book inside and took out my history assignment. I'd nothing better to do. Still no money to buy lunch for myself.

My stomach was literally squeezing shut in pain but, I had to hold on to a hope that one day I wouldn't have to worry about money, food.

"You okay there?" Casey soft voice pulled me out of my head and I realised her gaze was fixed on my arm clutching my stomach too tightly.

I released my own hold on myself and nodded. I shut the locker and almost turned around when she asked. "Would you like to sit with us today?"

Now, why was she being nice and all good to me? What could she want from me?

I furrowed my brows and looked up at her. She was dressed in a beautiful brown coat that reached till her middle thighs. She had black legging on her bottom and long boots which made my heart hurt-- they were gorgeous, all warm and fuzzy and cute. I always wanted to own a pair just like that.

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