Chapter Five

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Chapter Five...

An old, half bald guy at the store told me that he just hired a well experienced girl few hours ago, which meant no job there. I was really hoping to get chartered there but, my luck had something else in it's mind.

Devastated, I walked out the doors, half hoping that Logan might have left. It brought relief as well as disappointment.

Why would he wait for someone like me? He shouldn't.

But, to my dismay or happiness-- couldn't really decide, he hadn't budge a step.

He was still leaned back, eyes closed, lip-syncing whatever song he was listening to. I rounded towards the car, opened the door and slipped back inside. The rain was still in intact. But, his leather jacket worked magic on my body. I was warmer.

I shut the door a bit forcefully, making sure he heard it. Which he did. A small smirk rested not his lips. "Now, where to?" I was amazed how much he wanted to help me. But, obviously he needed something in return. All did.

I didn't know how he happened to know that I didn't get the job but he did. I told him my next stop and he halted the car right outside it. It was a cute little diner.

I didn't understand what it was with the universe hating me today and being all bitchy to me. The diner too got the vacancy full this morning and didn't need anyone at the moment.

Only one more to hit.

Without a question he drove me to a departmental store. I hoped they won't turn me down. And they didn't. But, that doesn't mean they hired me either. They put me on a frigging waiting list saying if they wouldn't find someone better than me in the span of two day, I would get the job.

But, what they didn't know was I wouldn't be alive till then if I didn't find a job today.

It was almost six by the time I rushed back in the car and saw him texting hurriedly to someone. Maybe his girlfriend?

Why does that bother me?

It doesn't.

The intelligent voice groaned shutting me out on my lie.


Why should it anyway?

It's not like I liked him or something... I couldn't get into that stuff. And I would never drag anyone in my mess.

I closed the door and shivered softly, ignoring god-knows-what feeling that tugged at my heart. No job. He was going to be so furious at me, and his drunken stated wouldn't help either. I was a shitty lair and somehow he was always able to read through my lies.

And trust me, it always had resulted in worse.

So I stopped lying.

I noticed that rain had stopped by my third failure and the dark clouds had flown away, letting the light fall back on the ground.

But, it was evening already. I had observed that Golden Valley turned eventually dark after five or five thirty in winters-- which here stayed for more than half a year. Here winters started from September and ended nearly around April.

The warmth seeped into my bones and I relaxed a little, knowing I wouldn't be getting any at home tonight-- not after I would've to tell him that I couldn't find a job.

"Just texted my mom not to have a panic attack for me. That I'm fine and with you. You hungry?"

I snapped my head towards him. So he wasn't texting his girlfriend? Did I just felt lighter at my heart?

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