Chapter Eight

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Shower some love guys:)

Chapter Eight...

"Are you following me?" I asked, annoyed. Logan had already made me eat an entire burger and chunk of fries-- for which I was cheerily content and thankful of him-- not that I would ever tell him that out loud.

He smirked. "Why would I do that?"

He jogged and fell in steps with me, trying to keep with my fast paced walk. His arm brushed my shoulder and I shuddered. He felt it too as his eyes smiled down at me. "Why do you always seem in such hurry?"

I shrugged. "Because I am."

He chuckled and then we fell into comforting silence. I didn't know when the hell that started to happen.

We both stopped at my locker. And, now I felt furious. He had no right to follow me around like this. It wasn't supposed to happened. None of it was.


I am breaking every frigging rule he gave out.

I crossed my arms over my chest and narrowed my eyes at him. Just before I opened my mouth to shove him away from me, he turned and opened the locker next to mine.




His locker was next to mine?

Heat crawled to my neck and cheeks, and I looked away mortified, down to my shoes. That explained Casey and Abe standing here at lunch. They must be waiting for Logan. Oh god! And I thought...

Embarrassment didn't even cover what I felt inside.

I sighed, relaxing a little. He slammed shut his locker's door and pressed his cold fingers to my chin to force me to look up just before laughing crazily. "You were saying. . . ?" He asked, winking at me. Adding cherry to my huge mortifying mountain.

I blushed, turning to my locker and took my respective books out. I rolled my eyes and closed it before heading to my next class without a glance back at him. I should have known!


My all other classes went in peace. I'd few hours before my new shift would start, so I thought to stay in school and get some reading done. There was absolutely no point in going home this soon just to go to work in couple of hours.

But, before that I had to find Logan because he forgot to mention the address of his Aunt's bakery to me. In this massive school I didn't know where to find him. The hallways were almost empty by that time. The school had let out almost an hour ago.

Which wasn't so much of a relief considering what if Logan had already went home?

My stomach squeezed and dropped down.

It can't be really happening to me...

'Gym. Practice, idiot.' The intelligent voice reminded me from our earlier conversations and I had never been more happy to hear that voice before now.

I strolled towards where I remembered Gym was supposed to be-- I'd gone through the mini map of this huge school. And I'd also spotted Gym yesterday when I was desperately finding my history class.

I pushed opened the heavy set of double doors almost without thinking twice and instantly pair of god-knows-how-many-eyes wolfed me down, because the door made this deafening screeching and thud. The guys were standing in the center of the gym almost fifteen feet away. And were dressed in their Jerseys while I just stood there frozen to my spot, not even blinking.

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