Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen...

Casey shoved me in the girls bathroom and started a happy dance with a wide goofy grin. Sometimes I wondered where she bought her energy from. I might go and get some for myself too.

She's like a cute and beautiful bubble of excitement that never stay at one place and liked to twirl around.

She grabbed my arms and made me jump up and down with her. Two girls came in and laughed at us, mumbling something. They checked their flawless makeup and put on a new coat of lip gloss on their already glossed lips. And then left.

"Why... are we jumping?" I finally asked, still taking leaps with her.

She laughed. "Logan's birthday is coming!!!!" she sighed, "In two weeks."

I smiled, his birthday. We absolutely forgot that question the other day after school.

"Yes... and we have to plan a surprise. An amazing one."


"Abe, me and you."

I swallowed. Me?


I stopped. My heart was going to explode. I was already out of breath and heaving.

She plopped down, panting.

I grabbed the sink, trying to not look at my face.

"Okay..." I agreed. I didn't know if it was a good thing or bad.

"Great." She hopped up and it was like all her animateness had returned with new and full force.

I chuckled, shaking my head at her.

"Well then we'll have to meet. Tomorrow my place-- oh wait, how will you get there? I'll ask Abe to pick you up."

"No" I spoke immediately.

She furrowed her brows. "I'm not asking you to walk to our place which probably is like thirty minutes through car. And there's no bus stand there."

I sighed. "Bree..." She grabbed my hand and I glanced up. Genuine concern flashed in her eyes and I looked away.


She grinned, engulfing me. Abe could pick me up from where Logan usually did. And I knew my father would be dead asleep during day, so it couldn't be that hard to sneak out.


My rest of the day went in a blur. Everyone-- even the teachers were so delirious about the game and then the homecoming party this evening that no one really paid attention.

I... not so much.

I didn't even know a B of Basketball. And then I wasn't excited about the Dance either because I was going to serve at the party. Amanda kept her side of the deal and had already talked to the teachers.

I was really glad for that. It was my chance at something I couldn't think about before. College.

I shut my locker and gasped, bringing a hand to my insane heart.

"Stop doing that!" I whispered.

He smiled, shrugging.

Damn his smile! Damn him whole!

Logan was leaning on his locker, his eyes trailing up and down at my body-- his gaze felt like fingers trailing over me. I felt insecure because everyone was probably dressed way better than me.

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