Sehun After The Accident

406 49 41

Dedicated to Chanji_Bunny61 😁

This chapter is pretty long. Phew. My thumb hurts right now. 😅

Read the important author's note at the end. Please.


Do you know the feeling of being away from someone you love?

If yes, that's what Sehun is feeling right now. His heart is feeling shattered, broken into million of pieces since he woke up inside a room full of white with nothing but the memories of their accident.

He asked for the girl he was with when the accident happened but the nurses told him that her parents moved Hayoung to a different hospital.

He wonders where is his Hayoungie right now. It's his fault that they got into an accident. If he only didn't tell Hayoung to go with him, it wouldn't happen.

There will never be an accident if he didn't ask Hayoung to go with him and run away from her parents.

Days after he got discharged from the hospital with the help of his parents, Sehun starts to ask Hayoung and his mutual friends about her whereabouts. But no one knows where she is. Some says that they already moved out of house and went to States that really scared Sehun to death.

He badly needs to see Hayoung. He badly wants to check her if she's okay. He badly wants to say sorry. He badly wants her.

One day, he decided to go to the mall near Hayoungie's former house in hope to see someone who could tell him where she is and fortunately, he didn't fail. Instead, he saw the one he loves with her cousin, Chanyeol together with Eunji.

Happiness starts to be felt by his heart and whole being.

Hayoung looks so happy, she looks so fine which brings Sehun to hundreds of questions. What happened? Why is she that happy? How could she smile like that after what had happened?

It's not like Sehun doesn't want to see her happy but the way Hayoung is laughing and smiling while talking to the two look like she already forgot him—like after the accident, he's long forgotten. Everything about them is forgotten.

He clenches his fists. 

Sehun knows something is off so no matter how he wants to just step in front of her and kiss her, he prevents himself from doing so. Instead, he just watches from afar and decides to just talk to Chanyeol or better yet follow them until they got home into Hayoung's new house.

He follows them wherever they go, making sure that they won't suspect him as a stalker until they went inside the restaurant.

Sehun only watches Hayoung. Completely confused as to why she's acting like there's no part of her life that was taken away from her. Because if you'll ask Sehun, he feels the half of his self, the half of his heart was taken away from him the moment she was separated from him after the accident. He almost gone mad just by thinking that Hayoung is suffering without him. That maybe Hayoung has multiple wounds on her body or in her beautiful face.

He thought that like him, she would have this wounds and bruises on her face but there was none. And she looks so freaking happy even if two weeks had just passed.

Sehun was awaken up from his thoughts when Chanyeol stood up and went to the men's room. He quickly follows him to ask the questions that have been bugging him since he saw them.

"Chanyeol." Sehun calls.

And just by hearing his voice, Chanyeol knows that it was the man whom Hayoung's parents don't want to let near their daughter.

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