Please Read.

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Author's End Note:

First of all, sorry if the epilogue sucked! I tried my best to give you a good ending but this is all what I can do. Hope you're satisfied though because I ended it happily even if it wasn't my real plan and because *cough* I put a *cough* smut *cough* 😂😂

Second, this book won't push this far if this isn't because of you. Everyone who patiently waited for my lame and crappy updates, thank you. Everyone who laid a single comment for this, really, thank you. All of you, even the silent readers (yes, I always see you in my notifications), thank you so much for reading this book. To you who read this, will read this, or even reread this, THANK YOU.

Third, this ending is dedicated to my collaborative partner @tteokbokki / @-BAEKAWAY (they're the same person). If you're reading this (I don't know if you're still reading this), thank you for your contributions to this book. Sorry if we lost communication because you're busy and I'm busy so yeah, we just lost it. Thank you for helping me when I'm on the writer's block stage. I love you! <3

Fourth, I don't know if this book will have a book two but I'm thinking of publishing a special chapter after this.

Fifth, if you have confusions or any questions, you're free to drop it in the comment box and I'll try my best to answer you.

Lastly, HAPPY NEW YEAR guys!!! My new years resolution is STOP SECOND-GUESSING MYSELF/STOP BEING SHY because I am an ABM student and our prof told us that shy person has no place in business industry. For example, there were plenty of times when I considered raising my hand in class to answer a question, but then I would think, "What if I'm wrong? What if I embarrass myself? I'm probably wrong." I wouldn't do anything and then the next person would give the exact answer I was going to and they were right. I hate myself for that. :(( What's yours? Your eomma is curious. ;)))

Before I officially end this book, I want to share a fun fact about OHSD because I love you guys so much.

» I know you guys were all confused when Sehun introduced himself as Lee Sehun. Lol, you guys even thought that maybe Sehun was just hiding his real identity. (I'm lmao rn srsly) But in all honesty, even before I started writing the prologue, I've already planned to change Sehun's real surname to Lee because I really thought that two persons with the same surname in SoKor is prohibited to get married as what stated on the Article 809 of the Korean Civil Code but then I've discovered that the CCK ruled the article unconstitutional and the National Assembly of SoKor passed an amendment to the article in March 2002, which came into force on March 31, 2005 and prohibited marriage only between men and women who are closely related so I was like, "Fuck, Len. Find a way out, find a way out!"

And that ladies and gentlemen, was the whole-fun reason why Oh Sehun became Lee Sehun in some chapters of this story. I suggest you to reread the chapter "Fifth Entry" for you to remember what I made up to cover my silliness. HAHAHA.

That's all! Thank you again my dear readers!

» PS. B and Bb will have its comeback soon! «

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