First Night With Him

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"What now?" Hayoung whisper-yells when Sehun just continues to stare at her for the past five minutes and has never spoken a word ever since they got in her room. The said man is sitting at the very edge of the bed while Hayoung is sitting opposite him.

With a frustrated sigh leaving his lips, Sehun faces Hayoung, making an eye contact before speaking.

"What's the problem, seriously?"

Hayoung chortles. "What problem are you saying?"

"You've been distancing yourself from me for the past seven days. What happened—I mean, did I do anything wrong for you to get mad at me?" Sehun asks, his eyebrows furrowing as he reminisces the time where he was alone in his room waiting patiently for her reply in mid-afternoon only to get one with, I'm now going to bed. Night.

Hayoung bites the inside of her cheek, preventing herself from bursting because she's afraid she might wake her parents up.
"Look," Hayoung pinches the bridge of her nose before looking back up at his eyes, his eyes that seem to be very sad and searching at the same time, "it's not right for us to talk about this matter when the sun is out because we won't able to understand each other."

Sehun scoffs. "A very lame excuse. Sorry but I want to talk about it NOW." He says, putting stress at the last word. He notices how Hayoung glares at him but he chooses to ignore it because he can't leave the four corners of her room without getting an answer he needs.

Hayoung stands up and makes her way in front of Sehun. "Tell me," She pauses, "who are you?"

Almost immediately, Sehun's eyebrows furrow at the question.

"I thought we're over this? I'm Oh Sehun and not Lee Sehun."

"I know!"

"Then what are you trying to imply?"

"Are you really my best friend?!"

Sehun stands up as well, matching Hayoung's height. "Are you still doubting me? You still think I'm one of your enemies using this chance to get revenge on you?"

Hayoung swallows before shaking her head.

"Answer me, Sehun. Don't answer me with another question." She says, gaze most burning up.

Sehun watches Hayoung for a moment, trying to figure out what's running in her mind. Hayoung jabs his chest. "ANSWER ME!"

"I am. I'm your bestfrie—"

Sehun isn't able to continue what he's about to say when his left cheek met Hayoung's palm, his head turning to the side because of the impact.

Anger boils inside him but the second he hears sobs, he immediately looks back at her and sees her crying. Ignoring the pain creeping in his cheek, he steps forward to engage her in his arms but the latter steps backward.


"Liar!" She shouts, reaching for the pillow lying in her bed and throws it straight to Sehun's face.

A very childish act, Sehun thinks, but he knows her too well. He knows that when she's angry, she has a habit of throwing things at him whether it is on his face and/or his back.

Their relationship wasn't perfect even before the car accident happened. There were times when they fought over the simplest thing or question like, 'who is cuter? Dogs or cats?' Sehun answered dogs but Hayoung answered cats. And no one of them gave way for each other thus they ended up ignoring each other for the whole day. Anyhow, it was always Sehun who's asking for forgiveness and Hayoung is always the one who'll initiate the kiss after they reconciled.

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