You Don't Know Her

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this waking nightmare lingers
when will the mirror stop telling lies
i don't know where i've been
or where i'm going
but i can't do it alone
i'm reaching out

rescue me
show me who i am
'cause i can't believe
this is how the story ends
fight for me
if it's not too late
help me breathe again
no, this can't be how the story ends


Haley walked inside and over to Nathan to sit down beside him.

He slid his arm around her and held her close. "I'm glad Lucas is okay, but I still can't believe he could be that guy."

Nathan rubbed her arm. "Guys can be stupid, but it's good that you forgave him. I mean he dumped Brooke, not you."

"Yeah, but to cheat on her with Peyton? Her best friend? And they lied about it too." Nathan frowned and moved his arm away. "I can't even begin to understand how Brooke must feel, but at least she's a strong girl."

Nathan got up and Haley frowned. "Nathan? What-Where are you going?" She asked watching him as he grabbed his jacket.

He pulled his jacket on, lost in thought, and was about to walk out the door when Haley put her hand on his arm making him snap out of it and turn around.

"Oh, uh, sorry Hales. I forgot you were here."

She blinked in confusion. "Nathan, where are you going? Are you okay?"

He sighed. "I'm fine, but I have to go check on Brooke before she does something stupid."

"Brooke? Why? What do you mean by something stupid?" Haley asked, firing questions at him to ease her confusion.

Nathan sighed and reached for the door, but Haley grabbed his hand. "Hales, I don't have time for this. I gotta go." There was something in his eyes that concerned her.

"Nathan, whatever is going on... I'm coming with you." Haley said persistently as she opened the door.

"Haley-" One look cut him off. He nodded. "Let's go."


Nathan drove them to Brooke's house in silence. When they got there he rushed out which only added to Haley's worry.

"Nathan! What's going on?!" She yelled after him. "Why are we here?!"

Nathan ignored her and knocked on the door. He didn't hear a response so he waited a moment then knocked louder. "Brooke! It's Nathan! Open up!"

"Maybe she isn't home?" Haley offered calmly.

Nathan gave Haley a look she didn't understand. It was some mix of panic and sorrow. She blinked.

He turned back to the door and started banging on it. "Brooke! I know you are in there! Open the door before I kick it in!"

Haley's eyes widened. "Is this that serious?" He didn't say anything. He just kept pounding until the door finally opened.

"What are you doing here?" She looked from Nathan to Haley. "Scratch that, what is she doing here?" Brooke asked in a rude tone of voice.

Nathan sighed in relief. "Don't take this out on her. I just came to check on you." He said nicely.

Brooke sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm fine."

"I don't believe you." He said shaking his head.

Brooke blew out a breath. "Well believe it. I was just watching a movie."

"What movie?" He challenged folding his arms across his chest.

"Bring It On. Want to come in and watch it?" Brooke smirked at him.

Nathan made a face. "No. I don't like chick movies. I just had to make sure."

Haley quietly watched their exchange, there was something neither of them would say, as they went from playful to... almost... solemn.

"Well I said I'm fine so if you don't mind..." Brooke trailed off and pointed to his car in front of her house. "I'm kinda in the middle of something."

Nathan nodded and turned to leave, Haley was about to follow when suddenly he stopped cold and turned around. He barged inside and against Haley's better judgement she followed her boyfriend inside.

"There's no tv on." He said hearing nothing in the silent house.

"So she didn't turn it back on yet? Nathan, we really shouldn't be in here."

Nathan frowned and then he ran up the stairs.

Haley sighed and followed him again.

He burst through Brooke's door to her room with Haley right behind him. "Brooke!"

Haley's jaw dropped.

Nathan ran over and grabbed Brooke by her waist. She struggled to break free from his grip. "Brooke! Stop!"

"Get out of here, Nathan! I'm fine!" She yelled. The small bottle fell to the floor in the scuffle and rolled to Haley's feet.

Haley bent down and picked it up. "Nathan! It's just aspirin! What are you doing?!" She yelled.

Nathan let go of Brooke and she stopped punching him. "Hales, you should go. I'll, uh, I'll take her home and then I'll be back." He said giving Brooke a stern look. "I'm taking these with me." He said as he walked over to Haley. He took the bottle out of her hand and led her out the door. "You shouldn't have come with me, Hales. You don't know her like I do."

"What don't I know? She's Brooke Davis. The head cheerleader and one of the most popular girls in school." Haley stated.

Nathan stopped pulling her down the stairs with him and sighed. "Brooke Davis is her name, not who she is. No one knows who she is, but me and Peyton. Popularity isn't everything, Haley."

Haley bit her lip to stop herself from correcting his grammar. "Nathan, what is going on here?"

He gulped. "Brooke is... she's just a friend... and I need to be here for her right now. Okay?"

"Nathan, I understand that. I'm not saying that. I'm saying... what's wrong with Brooke? Why are you acting like she is in some kind of danger?"

Nathan looked down and took a deep breath. "She is, the worst kind."

Haley frowned in worry. "What kind is that?"

Nathan looked up and connected his eyes with Haley's. One look into her beautiful eyes and he broke. "Being alone is dangerous for Brooke when she's upset because she- she used to-" He sighed. "Brooke is very self-destructive."

Haley blinked in shock. "You mean she's-"

He nodded solemnly. "Yeah. When she was thirteen she, um, we almost lost her so now when anything bad happens in her life I just, I worry that she'll do something stupid."

Haley frowned and put her arms around him.

"It'll be okay, Nathan. I'll help you to help Brooke."

Nathan smiled down at her. "Thanks. I love you."

"I love you, too." She leaned up and kissed him. "Let's go back up."

Haley walked back up the stairs. Nathan followed with a small smile taking over his face.

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