You Are A Jerk

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Haley walked into Karen's cafe to get dinner and saw Lucas sitting at the counter. She rolled her eyes and walked up.

"Hi Karen, can I get two chicken parms and one roast beef sandwhich to go, please?" She asked putting on her best smile.

Karen blinked in shock. "Uh, sure thing, Haley." She gave Lucas a look to ask why Haley ignored him, but Lucas shrugged so she went back to put in the order for take out.

"Haley, I don't know why you're advoiding me, but we have to talk."

Haley didn't even look at him. "Believe me, I am not the one you have to talk to." She scoffed.

"Hales, I don't like this, I think Brooke is a great girl, but I also think she is a bad influence. You don't want to be friends with-"

Haley spun towards him. "You don't tell me who to be friends with, Lucas Scott!" She snapped. "She is a better friend than you have been! You have been such a jerk lately and I honestly don't want to be friends with a jerk so if you want me to stop being friends with a bad influence, fine, consider our friendship over!"

Lucas stood. "I don't even know what I did wrong or why you are mad at me!"

She huffed. "You were a jerk! I never thought you would be that guy and it turns out that is exactly who you are! A jerk!"

"I did nothing to you!"

"You hurt Brooke! She is a great person, a sweet girl, and a good friend! You hurt her! You treated her like every other guy treats her because you are just like every other guy! You are a jerk!"

Karen came in with wide eyes and set Haley's order down on the counter. "Lucas? Haley?"

She looked from one to the other wanting to know what was going on.

Haley looked at Karen, glanced down at her food, then she looked back at Lucas. "You messed up." She sighed. "Talk to her."

Lucas frowned.

Haley grabbed the bag and turned to walk out the door when she saw Peyton walking by the window. She turned again. "Have fun with Peyton, jerk." She said then she stormed out nearly knocking Peyton over as she came inside.

"What was that about?" Peyton asked walking up to Lucas. He sighed.

"Nothing. Just...nothing."

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