I'm Here For You

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He looked up, tears in his eyes, and saw her. The woman who could make everything better. He got up and rushed over to her and she took him into her arms, holding him while he cried, just like she always did when he was younger and upset.

"What happened, Lucas?"

"Mom-" His voice cracked. "It's Brooke. She's- She's-"

"Is it the baby?"

He nodded. "It won't make it so she's getting rid it." He cried out.

Karen gasped. "What do you mean it won't make it? Honey, calm down and talk to me? What's going on?" She said grabbing his arms so he would stop pacing back and forth.

"Brooke overdosed, she tried to kill herself and it effected the baby. The risk of miscarriage is too high so she decided to terminate her pregnancy. Lucas, if you want to see her I'd go now." Nathan said walking up to them.

Karen looked from Nathan to Lucas with wide eyes. "Go sweetie, go see her. It's okay."

Lucas frowned, his lip quivered. "Alright." He gulped and his mother let go of him. He slowly walked down from the direction Nathan came.

Karen turned to Nathan. "Please explain this."

Nathan sighed and then he nodded. They went over to the chairs and sat down to discuss things.

When Lucas walked in Haley walked out, despite Brooke begging her not to, Haley just stated that they needed to talk alone and left the room.


"You can't change my mind. I'm doing the right thing." She cut him off.

Lucas wanted to be mad, he wanted to yell that the right thing would be to have their baby and let it have a full life, but when he saw her his anger faded away and his sorrow completely took over. It was so bad he could barely stand so he walked with shaky legs over to the chair by her bed and collapsed into it.

Before she could speak he took her hand and laid his head on it. "Please don't leave me, Pretty Girl, please." He cried. "I can handle losing our baby, but not you. I'm so sorry, Brooke." He looked up and saw her shocked expression. "I'm so sorry, okay, about everything. Peyton and saying our baby wasn't mine and hurting you. I'm so sorry. Just please, please don't leave me. Don't kill your-" He couldn't finish and just started sobbing, laying his head back down on her hand.

Brooke blinked her shock away and moved her hand to lift his head so he would look at her again.

"Lucas, it's not your fault, you have to know that. I-I've been this way. I don't really know why, I just don't want to be alive. I just seem to be happy in my life. It's not your fault. It's not about you or even Peyton. It's me. There is something wrong with me, in my head, my thoughts are just so... depressing. All the time. I can't make it stop. I just want it to stop. I just want everything, my life, to just stop." Brooke cried.

Lucas gulped and took her hand again. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. "I promise I will make you happy, Brooke. I will help you love your life again. I promise."

Brooke shook her head. "Lucas, I never loved my life. I was happy with you, but even then I've just never loved my life. I can't. I can't explain it. I'm trying to, but I can't."

"Brooke, please, I-I love you. I can't loose you. Not you, Pretty Girl. I-I'm the guy for you. We should be together for the rest of our lives. I know I messed things up, but if you give me another chance I will give you every reason to live." He licked his lips. "Please, give me a chance to save you, please."

Brooke sighed. "I guess with Nathan, Haley, and you looking after me I'll have to give it a try."

Lucas managed a smile and kissed Brooke's hand again. "I'm here for you, Brooke. Whatever you need. I'm here for you."

Brooke took a shaky breath. "I still love you, Lucas. I feel it in my heart, but I-I just can't be that vulnerable again."

Lucas nodded. "I know I hurt you last time we were together, but I will never hurt you again."

Brooke just nodded. "Okay. It's okay."

A knock on the door interrupted them.

"Miss Davis, have you made a decision?" The doctor asked walking into the room and over to her.

Brooke nodded and Lucas squeezed her hand.

"Yes. I want-" She looked at Lucas and he gave her a reassuring smile. "-to keep my baby." She said.

Lucas' jaw dropped.

"Are you sure Miss Davis?" He asked again.

Brooke nodded. "I'm sure. I want to keep my baby."

The doctor nodded. "Okay, it's your decision. If you have a guardian that can sign you out then you may leave whenever you feel ready." The doctor informed her.

Lucas looked up at Brooke. "Are you sure about this, Brooke?"

Brooke nodded. "Our baby deserves to live... more than I do."

Lucas sighed. "I'll, uh, I'll get my mom to sign you out. She's in the waiting room." He saw Brooke frown and gave her hand another squeeze. "She's concerned too, Brooke. We all are." He told her.

Brooke sighed and nodded, then Lucas left the room to get his mom.

Brooke looked down. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry baby. If you stay alive for me I promise I'll stay alive for you." She said placing her hand on her stomach.

"I'm sorry too." A voice said from the doorway.

Brooke looked up with tears in her eyes, then she turned away.

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