I Deserved That

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Lucas walked in the door with his hand on his stomach and groaned.

His mother was sitting at the table and when she saw her clearly injured son she sprung up.

"Lucas?! What happened, are you okay?!"

"Nathan punched me." He groaned and her eyes widened. He leaned against the table not sitting down just yet.

"He what?! I though the two of you were done fighting?" Karen asked.

"Mom, I did something, and Nathan... I deserved it." Lucas whisped.

"What could you have done to think you deserve being punched in the stomach like that?"

He frowned and looked up at her. "You should sit down." He whispered.

Karen went to sit, but when she saw his long face she stopped. "I think I'll stand." She stated.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I'm a disappointment."

"Lucas, you're not-"

"Mom." He cut her off so she pursed her lips and waited for him to finish.

He took a deep breath and sighed. "Brooke's pregnant." He told her.

She gaped at him, then her hand came up and slapped him across the face. His hand rose to his cheek and hers to her mouth, shocked at her sudden bout of rage.

"I'm sorry. I deserved that." He said then he walked out of the room.

Karen stood with her hand on her mouth for a moment then she walked after him. "Lucas? Lucas, I didn't mean that."

"I'm pretty sure you did." He said, choking out his words over his shock. He had tears in his eyes now.

"No. No, I didn't. But don't you see?! This is exactly what I didn't want for you! You're too young! Brooke is too young! Oh god, you're just kids!"

He took a shaky breath. "I know. I know, I'm sorry."

"Oh god." Karen took a shaky breath herself. "What did Brooke decide? Is she going to keep it?"

Lucas frowned. "I don't know. We fought and she stormed off. I-I said the wrong thing and upset her. Mom, she hates me."

Karen took her son into her arms. "She doesn't hate you. She's just so very scared and you are too and you have to tell her that. You two have to make the right choice for both of you." She soothed.

"I cheated on her."

Karen frowned. "Just talk to her. Try again and this time, think before you speak." She advised.

Lucas nodded and pulled away from her. "I'm going to talk to her now, before she makes any kind of decision."

Karen nodded. "Okay. I'll wait up for you if you need to talk. Tell Brooke that if she ever needs to talk to me, even if she's mad at you, she can."

He nodded and then he walked out his bedroom door that leads outside.

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